Regrets, Regrets and more Regrets.

Blank_Prespectives2024/06/27 06:50

I have lived a portion of my futile existence ,hard times and those memories ingraved in me , i surrender to you.

Regrets, Regrets and more Regrets.


Blank here.We are through with introduction. Advices and suggestions , i am sure will sound more appealing from worthy ones. I speak from bottom , Please get to know me through my experiences.

Growing up:-i was born and brought up in small village in the west of a very miniscule country.

Childhood was good at times, bad somtimes and plain and boring mostly. However, i was a over active kid so i had no problem having myself as my only friend. I am sure you are wondering , let me clatify. Friend is good . Friends are awesome.But being alone is beautiful whrn your are child at the very least.You grow up fast when you are alone,Ofcourse ..mentally.

But , please it was not my choice.It was choice made by so called friends. I took it as all.

I think i have made poor chices and bad decsions entire life i have lived. But i got to learn things , which one can only realize in their darkest hours. As for me , i had the first realisation when i was only 8 almost. This realisation gave me power of finding my own happiness within. So when my so called friends were enjoying there early youth, i was enjoying saddening yet quite relevant experience in life.Now i look at that, i find myself blessed, actually.

How many childhood friend from school or place you grew up, are in right terms with?? People are friend for an excuse that they can stick together or help eachother at times. Have you had any friends of your past recently contacted you.

Well even if thy do, it is out of need for their slefish reason .

People or humans coexist and help eachother out when they are sharing same present moment.

Think of it this way, who is likely to help you ,the one neighbour who you dont know or a so called frien who you have not been in contact with for ages???

To be honest, after first few attempt to befrind so call friend i had, i knew for the fact that , i dont need them beacuse if they reject me, i shall reject them too.

You are truly lucky of you have some one who is actually your true friend. Rest are just selfish and viscous people who use ,and use for their sake.

Thats all..part1 //);

シェア - Regrets, Regrets and more Regrets.



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