Best of quotes

Alamgir2023/10/10 13:49


Best of quotes

01. Those who possess the strength to control themselves in moments of anger demonstrate true resilience. -Hazrat Mohammad Sah 02. It is far more rewarding to reside in a humble abode while experiencing complete contentment, as opposed to residing in a grand mansion filled with discontent. -Williams Heads 03. The genuine character of an individual is revealed by the actions they undertake once they have established themselves. -Redwan Masud 04. When desire makes its presence known, love often finds an escape route through the window. -Shakespeare 05. Opting to rule over the depths of hell is preferable to being enslaved within the confines of heaven. -John Milton 06. Cowards experience numerous instances of psychological demise prior to their physical demise, whereas the courageous only taste death once during their lifetime. -Shakespeare 07. Merely possessing talent does not suffice in labeling someone as truly talented. True talent lies in one's persistent efforts to improve oneself, even in the absence of inherent talent. -Redwan Masud 08. The more profound the river, the more its sounds dissipate into the silence. -John Livegate 09. A dream is not limited to the realm of slumber; it encompasses the boundless anticipation of fulfillment, which forbids individuals from embracing sleep. -APJ Abdul Kalam 10. Successful individuals are diligent workers who acknowledge mistakes, rectify them, and persevere with unwavering determination.

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