You Need Wisdom ✍️

Oliseh2023/10/07 21:21

Wisdom is the principal thing.

You Need Wisdom ✍️

When you are in difficult situations in life, when things are becoming very hard, rough and tough... The devil will come like a flood to convince you; He will come like a thief to steal away your joy with negative thoughts – that you'll remain poor in life, that you will never get out of that debts, that your life will never make any meaning, that your business will never flourish, that your spiritual life will not move forward... Don't Ignore Him! Attack Him!!! Yes, attack him back with God's word! That's the wisdom that you need – The Wisdom of God.

Ignoring the devil means you're accepting whatever he says to you through your mind, but attacking him with God's word means you're rejecting every form of negative thoughts and temptations – that is wisdom!

But how can you attack the devil when you're not loaded and rooted with God's word? How can you defeat the devil when you're too busy for God? How can you overcome temptations when you're not willing and ready to read or listen to the word of God? The devil is wiser than men, and full of different tricks; you can never overcome him, except through the help of God – which comes by hearing and doing the word of God.

Jesus was tempted while fasting for 40days and nights; the devil came with 3 different temptations and tricks, but Jesus overcame because he was rooted and loaded with the word. It's the word of God in you that helps you in tough times when the devil comes with different thoughts and temptations.

The devil knows that if he can convince you and keep you defeated with bad and negative thoughts, he will successfully defeat you in life. There's a battle taking place in your mind – to give up, to ignore God, to sin, to backslide, to steal, to lie, to kill... Beloved, attack the devil with the word of God! Don't allow him to defeat you. His mission in life according to John 10:10 is to steal, kill and destroy. He is still stealing, killing and destroying many lives, many youths and many destinies in life, today.

You can only overcome the devil with the word of God. Don't let the devil knock you down, don't let the Devil steal your joy and blessings, don't let the Devil kill your dreams and visions in life, don't let the devil destroy you totally, don't let him secure a place for you in hell fire! Hey! Take God seriously now! Time flies! The Devil is working hard to bring down many. The Devil will not defeat you in Jesus name. Amen!

Prayers is not enough!!!

Join others to Study the Word of God; Learn more! The word of God is life and light that shines and chases away every darkness. Reading and hearing the word of God is a seed 🌱 that you're planting inside of you for future purpose. Don't ignore the gathering of God's children. Be serious! Be intentional! A word is enough for the wise!

シェア - You Need Wisdom ✍️



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