literally! Happily made for eachother.

literally! Happily made for eachother.

No one is made for you . Yeah, it is another thing that you guys share same thoughts, same way of seeing the world ,same dreams, have strong bond . Thats why you're in relationship or he/she is your bestfriend/friend .But there is no sense of saying that he is made for me. We are made to be together and so on. Don't expect too big from anyone and specially not from life. Stop expecting anything from anyone. The world doesn’t owe you shit. Everyone has their own life, own privacy and soon. Don't try to be their entire world. If they are making you a part of their world by their heart then try to be happy on it. Don't expect too much. If you get in the habit of not expecting anything from anyone, you will never be disappointed. Anytime you’re in a position where you can brighten someone else’s day, do it. If you have a lot of energy share it with someone.

Don't say that he/she didn't stood for you when you were expecting it. Everyone have their own life and different prospectI've of seeing world . Do whatever makes them happy untill you can. If you can't then leave them without hurting them. But don't hurt yourself and other by expecting too much.

The day you'll stop to expect anything from other, you'll be the happiest person .

シェア - literally! Happily made for eachother.

Mind Stream - Break the silence, End the stigma.さんをフォローして最新の投稿をチェックしよう!

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