Val Ozigbo Clarifies Stance on Community Leadership and Governance in Anambra State

Val Ozigbo Clarifies Stance on Community Leadership and Governance in Anambra State

Recent comments circulating on social media have misrepresented the statements made by Mr. Val Ozigbo regarding the selection and election of local leaders in Anambra State. It is crucial to address these distortions and clarify Mr. Ozigbo's actual position to prevent any further misunderstandings.

Mr. Val Ozigbo has immense respect for all individuals, irrespective of their educational or professional backgrounds. Any claims suggesting that he referred to town union presidents or community leaders as "illiterates" are entirely false and misleading. Mr. Ozigbo values the contributions of everyone from all fields who serve their communities with dedication and integrity.

Mr. Ozigbo's core message is straightforward and advocates for democratic principles, transparency, and autonomy in community governance. He believes that:

Democratic Elections for Market Leaders:

Market leaders should be elected by the people they represent, ensuring leadership that truly reflects the will of the community, rather than being appointed based on political loyalty.

Autonomy of Town Unions:

Town unions must have the freedom to conduct their elections without external interference. No one should be compelled to belong to a specific political party to be eligible for leadership positions.

Independence of Traditional Rulers:

Traditional leaders (Igwes) should be able to conduct their affairs independently and confer chieftaincy titles based on consensus within their communities. The Governor should not use proxies to impose his associates in these roles. A recent incident in Anaocha, where the community's decision to honor Mr. Ozigbo with the title of Enyioma Anaocha was thwarted by the Governor, exemplifies this issue.

Church Independence: Churches should manage their mission schools and hospitals autonomously, with subventions provided as per legal agreements, recognizing the crucial societal role these institutions play. Political maneuvering should not influence their operations.

Conduct of Local Government Elections: it’s over two years since the governor promised to conduct Local government elections but it’s still on paper. Local government elections must be held to empower grassroots communities to choose their leaders democratically, thereby ensuring accountability and responsiveness to local needs. The governor must desist from appointing his cronies into these position for electoral reasons.

Mr. Ozigbo firmly believes that when these democratic principles are upheld, issues such as brigandry, touting, kidnapping, banditry, killings, and theft will significantly diminish. Establishing law and order through these means is central to his vision for Anambra State.

Mr. Ozigbo invites all stakeholders and citizens to join him in advocating for these values as he campaigns for a more transparent, accountable, and democratic governance structure in Anambra State. Misinterpretations and intentional distortions of his views only serve to distract from the essential task of improving governance and community leadership.

Published by: Ettah Emmanuel O.


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