Understanding Fat Transfer Terminology: A Glossary

hussna2024/05/22 07:17

Fat injections, also known as fat transfer or fat grafting, is a cosmetic procedure where fat is harvested from one part of the body (typically the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks) and injected into another area that requires augmentation or rejuvenation.

Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injection, involves moving fat from one part of the body to another to enhance or reconstruct areas. Here is a glossary of key terms related to fat transfer procedures to help you understand the process and communicate effectively with your healthcare provider.

Adipose Tissue:

Body fat stored in connective tissue, used as the source for fat transfer.


Medication used to prevent pain during surgery.Fat injections for Fat transfer in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan Can be local (numbing a specific area), regional (numbing a larger area), or general (putting the patient to sleep).

Body Contouring:

Aesthetic procedures aimed at improving the shape and appearance of the body, often including fat transfer.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL):

A popular fat transfer procedure where fat is injected into the buttocks to enhance their shape and size.


A thin, flexible tube used to extract fat during liposuction and inject it during fat transfer.


A process where harvested fat is spun at high speed to separate fat cells from other components like blood and oil.

Cosmetic Surgery:

Procedures aimed at enhancing appearance. Fat transfer is a type of cosmetic surgery.

Donor Site:

The area of the body from which fat is harvested, such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks.


Redness of the skin, which can occur at the injection sites after fat transfer.

Fat Grafting:

Another term for fat transfer, involving the harvesting, processing, and reinjection of fat into another area of the body.


The process of separating harvested fat into its components, typically done using centrifugation.

Graft Survival:

The percentage of transferred fat cells that survive and integrate into the new site.


]The process of removing fat from the donor site, typically using liposuction techniques.


A collection of blood outside of blood vessels, which can occur as a complication post-surgery.


The process of injecting tumescent fluid into the donor site to minimize bleeding and facilitate fat extraction.


A surgical technique for removing fat from specific areas of the body, often used in the first step of fat transfer.

Microfat Grafting:

A technique involving the injection of very small amounts of fat to achieve finer, more precise results, often used for facial rejuvenation.


The death of cells or tissues. In fat transfer, it refers to the death of transferred fat cells that do not survive.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma):

A concentration of platelets from the patient’s own blood, sometimes combined with fat transfer to enhance results and promote healing.

Recipient Site:

The area of the body where the harvested fat is injected, such as the face, breasts, or buttocks.


The body’s natural process of absorbing transferred fat cells that do not survive, leading to a reduction in volume over time.


A collection of fluid that can build up under the skin after surgery, sometimes occurring at the donor or recipient sites.

Tumescent Fluid:

A solution containing saline, local anesthetic, and epinephrine, injected into the donor site before liposuction to reduce pain and bleeding.

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL):

A liposuction technique using ultrasound waves to break up fat cells before removal, which can sometimes be used in fat harvesting.

Volume Retention:

The percentage of transferred fat that survives and remains in the recipient site over time, contributing to the final result.

Wound Healing:

The body’s natural process of repairing tissue damage post-surgery, critical for the success of both the donor and recipient sites.


Understanding these terms can help you better navigate conversations with your surgeon and make informed decisions about fat transfer procedures. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any terms, don't hesitate to ask your healthcare provider.

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