Take medicine from 'NATURE'

Tayba2023/09/24 09:58

A signature fruit of winter in Bangladesh is the plum or kul. It is known as Jujube Fruit or Chinese date in English. It is also a unique plum in terms of nutrition. 100 grams of plums have 79 grams of calories, 1 gram of protein, 20 grams of carbohydrates and 10 grams of fiber. Besides, 77 percent vitamin C and 5 percent potassium are available from the fruit.

As well as being fun to eat, plums have many nutritional benefits. This small fruit is within our reach in terms of price. Let's know some of the nutritional benefits of plums.

Sleep aids: In China, plums were once used for sleep problems like insomnia. Chemicals called flavonoids-saponins in plums help with sleep.

Reduces Constipation: Plums are rich in fiber. Hence it relieves constipation.

Reduces anxiety: Surprising as it may sound, plums are proven to help cool the brain. It also helps in relieving anxiety.

Vitamins: Plums contain many useful vitamins and antioxidants. Among the vitamins present in plums, vitamin C is the most abundant. Vitamin C is beneficial for the skin.

Strong bones: Plums contain calcium, phosphorus, iron etc. These elements strengthen the bones.

#Source: aparajeobangla.com

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