How Homework Affects a Student Life Know Its Pros and Cons?

christopher2024/04/24 09:14
How Homework Affects a Student Life Know Its Pros and Cons?

Homework is a set of tasks, teacher assigns to their scholars to complete and submit within a particular timeline. Writing is no fun, especially if you have a lot of other work to perform with little energy. Writing papers can be time-consuming, and you may want free time for other things. But when you have a lot of tasks to complete, it will not be easy for you to write your documents. 

Homework has a lot of benefits to offer; however, it also has other drawbacks. Due to this, scholars usually cannot manage to write documents and search for “Can anyone do my homework Canada? It is always in their mind whether after-school work is beneficial for them or not. If you are one of those students, here are some pros and cons for you to calculate. 

Pros and Cons of Homework in Students Life

Homework is a word that most students hate. After attending hours of classroom lectures, nobody desires to spend after-school hours completing papers. However, homework is an essential part of education and learning various skills. Some students take it as a burden and search on the internet “Can anyone do my homework for me?” Considering every perspective, here are some benefits and disadvantages of homework.


These are some pros of homework:

Building Confidence :

Homework can build confidence in scholars. Completing papers and submitting them on time creates a sense of achievement in their minds. When they write well, they even get positive feedback from tutors, which boosts their confidence. It helps them to make a good impression in front of the class. Confidence also enhances the communication skills of the scholars.

Time Management Skills:

Homework motivates scholars to manage their time and plan for study. Time management is an essential skill, as it helps them to submit all writeups before the deadline. Students learn to give priority to necessary tasks and manage their time effectively. Homework motivates students to manage time to practice the problems they are facing in a subject. 

Reinforcing Learning:

Homework allows pupil more learning time. While completing their papers, they repeat their previous lessons and learn other concepts before the examination. Additional learning time is one of the main benefits of paper. Homework helps students reinforce classroom learning by extending their study time.

Enhance Interaction :

Homework promotes collaboration between professors and students. If scholars find any issues while solving papers, they ask their tutor for help. Often, students seek help from their friends or classmates before going to the professor. It provides a chance to improve communication skills through interactions. Students can also find better answers while interacting with subject-related people.

These are the advantages of homework.


 These are some cons of homework:

Less Free Time:

It is one of the usual arguments against homework that it eats up the free time of scholars. After the classroom lectures, they want to spend time with their family and catch up with friends. However, students can not make time for that. Therefore, pupils take this as a burden and search on the internet, “Can anyone write my assignment?” to get help from experts.

Risk of AI:

Ai means artificial intelligence chatbots, such as ChatGPT. It makes cheating easy for students when it comes to their papers and homework. ChatGPT is a trained software that generates text from the web. Students go on the website search for the topic and get answers literally in minutes. Pupils are misusing this invention as it is making them less productive in various areas.

Stress Factor:

Students who spend countless hours completing complex tasks after school face negative health issues. Homework makes students super busy and tired, which creates a sense of burden. They feel so anxious that they can not sleep peacefully at night due to thinking about submissions. Therefore, it affects their mental and physical health and leads to a bad attitude towards learning.

Zero Social Life:

After completing a busy day at school, pupils come home with an extra task to complete. Scholars can manage time for extracurricular activities, hobbies and hanging out with friends. Due to always working on papers, they have no time left for social life. It also cuts them off from family and the outside world, which stops their self-growth.

These are the disadvantages of homework.


Homework is something more than just completing the assigned tasks. The above information shows that homework has both pros and cons to offer. Therefore, professors should assign limited tasks, so students can enjoy their social life. 

Because pupils find it a boring task and search on the web “Can anyone do my homework Canada?”

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