A cow was eating grass in the forest. Suddenly a tiger attacked him. After running for a long time, the cow jumped into the pond. No one but a wail in the just-smelling pond There was no water. The tiger also jumped after the cow. The tiger and the cow were stuck up to their throats. The tiger got angry and said, "Why didn't you find a place to jump, you bastard? If you were in the den, I would have eaten you. Both now Die." The cow laughed and said, "Do you have an owner? The tiger angrily says, son, I am the king of the forest. Who owns me again? I myself own the forest. Cow says you are weak here. After a while my owner will come. come Take me away from here. And will beat you. The tiger stared with wide eyes. Right in the evening the owner of the cow He came and hit the tiger's head with bamboo and pulled the cow away. The cow went home laughing and the tiger died and was left alone.
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