As a lover falling in love with his soul mate at first sight, my heart skips a beat when I get closer to read those delicious pieces of Writing...
I'm really...really obsessed with the delicacy of taste and I enjoy almost every piece I read! Then why am I not reading everything?
Everything? Um...a bit difficult..Isn't it?
We all have different taste buds..Yes..My taste bud is connected to my sweet cheesy heart by a strong cable...(lol)
So whenever I dedicate my time for reading, my finger tips start to follow my hearts' will..That's why I haven't read each everything..as time is limited, It's not an easy task to complete..but I'm trying my best to read more and more!
By the way, did my young eyes capture the good articles? Do you think so? Nope! It's true that my eyes get attracted to the beauty of the images..but It's just an attraction! Nothing more..nothing less!
I always take the decision to read or not based on the first paragraph..if It provides me with enough inspiration, I'm always ready to dig deep inside those articles or essays like a real Bookworm!(lol)
So as Writers, our main focus must be on stealing our readers' heart! Gosh! Aren't we some kind of thieves? Yeah! We are craving to get our readers' heart!(lol)
My dear friends, take good care of your heart till I steal it!(lol)
If your composition can touch the deep points of a heart, CONGRATULATIONS! You won as a Writer! Writers are some kind of wonderful creatures whom appeared with mesmerizing ideas!
But you know Writers aren't born as Writers! They came in the same way as normal babies, by time the environment and their experiences change them into Great Artists!
All their ideas get mixed inside their mind and once the mixture get released, you won't believe me! It's a delicious Salad of different tastes with so many colors!
Would you mind taking a small bite of my sweet mouth-watering Salad? Why not? You would love it!
I assure you that your taste buds will definitely get filled..You'll feel delighted! In return gift me your heart!(lol) That's the most precious thing for me!
Thanks for enjoying my Salad!