How I recover myself

Samuel🤔♥️♥️2023/09/02 08:52

I'm 28 right now and at your age I didn't even realized that I'm wasting my life until I reached the age 26. I wasted my initial and valuable days simply thinking that someday someone will help me and pull me out of my dark place. Trust me when I say none of my family member even bothered to know how I'm doing.

I used to spend most of my days dreaming about better days, but I was deep down drowned into depression. In that condition I took the courage and first time in my life asked someone to help me. I asked one of my friend to help me to come down to Bangalore and help me with getting a job, I also told my friend that I'll pay him back. Thankfully, my then friend now bestfriend took pity over my situation and saw potential behind my desperation which lead to me landing to Bangalore after convincing my mother that being a girl plus being a girl who belongs to this family has given me nothing apart from a miserable life and zero self confidence.

It took me 2 years to overcome my past experiences, not that it was easy said than done. I suffered office politics and my colleagues even bullied me, now when I look back I realize I was even mentally abused by them but one thing I knew that I was in a better place than before. Every job I took I learnt a new thing from there, with time I learnt to express myself and to top it all I finally found a way to convert my passion of drawing and doodling into a graphic designer career.

Figuring out what to do with your life is not as easy as it's shown over movies. I see people younger than me accomplishing so much and feel left behind but that's what keeps me driving to do great things. Your age does not define you! Your intention and your determination does!

シェア - How I recover myself



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