You are the one I choose

Riia2023/08/27 19:15
You are the one I choose

You are the one I choose today

You are the one I will choose tomorrow

You are the one I will keep choosing

Even if life brings us obstacles

Even if life brings us challenges

That we are frustrated and tired of one another

I will keep choosing you, choosing us.

You are the one I will choose everyday

You are the one I will choose every moment

You are the one my mind choose always

Even though we get angry at one another

Even though we felt like giving up

That we can't control our emotions

I will keep choosing you, choosing us.

Without the radiance of the sun

The whole world seize to exist

Without the radiance of the earth

Lovely being seize to show up

Without the radiance of your love

The joy in my heart and my whole being seize to exist.

シェア - You are the one I choose



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