Mobile devices and education

Shalom2023/08/22 13:56

Mobile devices provide a platform for enhancing education by ultimately introducing learner centred learning methods which helps students get the best out of the learning experience.

Mobile devices and education

Mobile devices have been used in the learning process and have shown to be highly beneficial to the education system.The following are some of the ways in which mobile devices can enhance learning outside of the classroom:

1.Students can work on assignments in their own time and space and be up to date with their assignments.

2. Students can record class materials and listen to them later on

3. Notes can be kept on the gadgets allowing them to study anytime even without having their books.

4. Students can carry out Research on topics they didn't understand and even prepare in advance for topics to be covered in the coming classes.

5. Learning becomes interesting when using the mobile devices and hence students morale is boosted which leads to an improvement in their performance.

6. Students can work in relaxed environment unlike the rigid classroom environment. They can be on the lawns,play parks and choose to do some class work.

8. Students get to learn hands-on which entails that they're able to retain what they learn.

In conclusion, mobile devices are very useful gadgets and have the capacity to enhance the learning process.

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