I do like you, but I don't love you
It's a feeling, hard to explain, but true
There's something missing, deep within my heart
A bond that's lacking, keeping us apart
We shared good times, laughter and fun
But when it comes to love, I'm on the run
There's no spark, no fire that ignites
A connection that lasts through those lonely nights
You're kind and caring, and you make me smile
But somehow, it's just not enough, not worthwhile
I search for passion, that intense desire
A love that sets my heart and soul on fire
It's not your fault, please don't blame yourself
I've tried to convince my heart, but it rebelled
Some things can't be forced, no matter how we try
Love is elusive, it's a question of why
So let's cherish the friendship that we have
Without expecting more, without feeling sad
For in life, true love may still come to be
But for now, let's embrace our friendship, you and me.
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