After spending 6 years in prison for a crime I committed. I thought I have prepared for the inevitable, but I thought wrong. Now that D-day is here, I can feel my heart pounding. I bet the warden outside can hear it. The day for me to be hanged in Front of the persons gathering outside is here. ( touched my face and sighed when I felt some wetness). Thought I had shed all the tears in my eyes, guess I was wrong also. ( inhale and exhale slowly). I have no one else but my blind mother, a mother like no other. How can I exit this life, knowing I am all her she has. How can a poor blind widow take care of herself? Who would want to help the mother of a murderer? Oh God! ( Rubs my face with my hands) Will she ever find it in her heart to forgive me? All these questions keep turning and burning inside me.
( After sometimes I heard the door clicks, and a jailer came in with some police men)
Jailer: it's time ( Gestures to the police men) they are here to escort you out.
(I Stood up from where I was sitting on the bench, and walked out with my head raise high. I refuse to crumble in their presence.)
( Getting outside, I saw a huge crowd gathered outside, waiting for me. Some sympathized with me, others threw words at me. I shrugged it off, I still did not shed a tear until I saw my mother in the crowd. The blank expression I had on my face began slipping. I watched as my aged mother was pushed around, I took a step but was pulled back by a hand. I traced it and saw that I was held by one of the police men).
Temidun: Please, let me have a moment with my mother. let me talk to her before departing. ( but my hand was still held) please am going no where(I said, my voice cracking, I cleared my voice and begged again).
(They must have seen something on my face because I was let go) ( I walked speedily to the woman on the ground, knelt before her while noticing the crowd surrounding her)
Temidun: Mom are you okay?
Ashabi; Temi is that you?
Temidun: Yes mom, it's me
Ashabi: ( Left her walking stick on the ground, cupped my face with her wrinkled hands and burst out crying).
Temi: ( Also started crying) I can't leave this world with out talking to you, without holding you in my arms and feel for the last time the embrace of a mother.
Ashabi: What am I to do now? what's a poor blind widow to do now? it is said that Òmò lòmà sìn òbí rè. ( A child buries the parents). Who will be that child for me? who will take care of me? why Is mine different? who will I look up to now Haaaa!!! ( exclaims loudly). Tèmìòdún mò òòö, Tèmítíkòrò bàí, Írú àíyé wó lè yíí bàí. ( My own is not sweet again oooo, it's bitter)
Temidun: Mother am sorry, am so sorry for making you pass through this. Am so sorry for not being a good daughter, for turning out this way. You did so much for me, you sacrificed so much.( looked deeply into her eyes with tears falling on my face) Íyà ní wúrà lóótó (A Mother is truly gold). Mààmí, éjó èdàríjí mí, tí mbà tún àíyé wà, éyín màà tún yàn bí íyà mí(Mother please forgive me, if am privileged to come to life again, I will choose you again as my mother).I can't journey to the afterlife without your forgiveness. please forgive me mother.( Felt a tap on her shoulder, looked up and saw the same police man who held her hand)
police man: Stand up. ( As Ashabi heard that, she held unto me and start begging for my release).
Ashabi: Please have mercy on a poor widow, please some body help me. Níbóníkíntí béré, tàní kí ró temi fún? ( Where should I start from, who should i tell my story?) Tàló mà gbó éjo mí? (Who would listen to my story)Ómó kàn shóshó. (An only child)Ólórún ooo, tàní móshé, tóóní ówún óní dààríjí mí? ( Oh Lord who did i offend, who says he/she won't forgive me)
( She untied the wrapper on her waist) Kíní mó bó, àshírí mí wààtà. ( What am i covering, my secret is outside) ( I looked away as I was dragged to the pole and a noose was tied to my neck) Thank God for my mom's blindness, at least she's unable to watch my death. For the last time I looked at my mother Who was pushed around, closed my eyes and let the tears fall freely.)
Temidun: Forgive me mother ( I whispered silently)
The End😭😭😭
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