Overcoming depression as a Christian

Benedeecta✨❤️2023/08/17 10:26
Overcoming depression as a Christian


Depression is a common problem affecting nearly every human being, either personally or in the life of a family member or friend. Statistics gathered by the World Health Organization suggest that by the year 2024 depression will be the second major cause of disability in the world.

The diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines depression as a disorder with both physical and mental characteristics that negatively disrupts an individuals ability to function day to day social and work environments. It not only disrupts the life of the person suffering from the disorder, but lives of family and friends.

Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster or past events. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.

There are many people in the Bible who suffered Depression. The book of Job tells us of a man who lost everything,he suffered emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. This book is added in the Bible to comfort us in time of loss and deep depression.

Perhaps you understand completely what Job was going through as you too suffer from a depressive disorder.

Yours could be as a result of an experience which you can't forget or get over. Especially for young ladies who have a terrific past and want to come to Christ but are being traumatized by their past which keeps hunting them leading to depression. Also in a society where people criticize and judge you. I suffered Depression for a long time also, to an extent where I derived joy from being sad and feeling pain. But I found Christ and that was amazing,He wasn't concerned about my past or my pains because He didn't need it to make me who He wants me to be. There was a purpose for before I was formed and also a will to be done. There's also one for you too in Christ, He has a purpose for your life. He doesn't care about your past(2 Corinthians 5:17) When you come to Christ sincerely and willing to accept Him and let of your past then that is the assurance for you that you are no longer who you used to be but a new being, a new creation.

(Psalms 34:18) The Lord is near those with a broken Spirit and also saves a contrite heart. He's there for you, you might have been lonely and felt you don't deserve Him or there's no one there for you but here's this amazing scripture giving you an assurance. Christ came here for the broken🤲🏾 He came to redeem us so why don't you let Him heal you?

Deuteronomy 31:8) You might think that after He has redeemed you, He'll leave you right but here God tells us that he will be before YOU! And be with YOU! He won't forsake you either so fear not, do not be depressed. What people say about you? That problem that has been giving you sleepless nights? That pain? Let go and do not fear or be dismayed because God has given you and assurance here.

John 16:33 Christ has overcome the world and everything in it! Isn't that amazing? He has overcome your problems, your pain, your guilt. So why be depressed? Why feel lonely? Why hold on to that pain or past? It has been overcome, we are children of God which means we also are overcomers. Christ said we should do greater things than He did and one of the things He did was to overcome. So why not overcome that depression, trauma,fear etc?

Psalms 42:11) Above all things put your trust in the Lord and do not be weary,do not be cast down.

Do not let what people say get to you. "You're no longer a virgin" "You've committed abortions" "You were a drug addict" etc. Your past doesn't count,there's a place for you in Christ, He can take away whatever pain you feel. There's redemption in Him.❤️ Remember He used Saul? He used Moses who murdered someone? He used King David and even called Him "The man after my heart" even after ordering the death of Uriah and sleeping with his wife? All this people have a past but are one of the great men in the Bible because the left their past and came to be new beings in God🤲🏾. Christ is calling you, He has a purpose for you.

eremiah 29:11. He has a plan for you, a plan for your life so why hold on to things of the world?

In case you still feel down here are some scriptures that might uplift you and let you know who you are in Christ,also help you raise you self esteem.

( 1 Peter 2:9; 1 John 3:1; Psalms 139:14; Ephesians 1:4; Romans 3:22; 2 Timothy 1:7)

As you took your time to go through this I pray that The Lord bless you and heal you of whatever you went through, you're going through.

I hope you were blessed.❤️🤲🏾

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