A Short Guide to Winterizing the Garage Door


Supposethe door is extremely old or isn'tequipped with this feature. The Scott Hill Reliable Garage Door expertrecommends this feature to get installed.

A Short Guide to Winterizing the Garage Door

With the hail, snow, and cold, winters might become brutal for the health of your garage door. Suppose the door is not sealed properly. In such cases, cold air rushes in, thereby chilling the garage and possibly damaging your car parts – of course, it depends on how cold it may get. On the other hand, winterizing the door may save you money and time. So, what are the precautionary steps you can take? Read on to learn further.

Replace Batteries if Required

The cold weather may cause chemical reactions in the batteries to proceed slowly. Thus the battery works fine in the spring and fall. But they may stop working during the winter. So, checking the batteries in the remote opener and garage door keypad is crucial.

The Importance of Lubricating the Metal Parts

The metal parts in the garage door must get lubricated throughout the year, specifically the rollers. And it is quite important to do that during the winter. The reason is plain and simple. The cold weather might freeze oil & dirt to door tracks, thereby preventing them from raising or lowering. So a produced lubricant for the door might be great to use.

Did You Check The Springs?

Examining the garage door springs is important. It is often called the counterbalance system. To do so, all you need to do is to disconnect the door from the opener. After that, you have to open & close the door manually several times.

Does the door stick or fail to move? If yes, it needs further lubrication. As soon as you inspect the door manually, it is time to lower or raise it until it gets opened halfway. The door must be held in the right position when the springs work correctly. And if it closes or opens slowly, that is also fine. However, if it slams open or shut, it is time to consult a professional at the soonest.

Inspect the Automatic Reversal Mechanism

Another safety component is the reversal mechanism operated automatically in the garage door. Garage doors are required to use the function. Supposethe door is extremely old or isn'tequipped with this feature. The Scott Hill Reliable Garage Door expertrecommends this feature to get installed.

However, it is time to clean the sensor eye if yours isn't functioning properly. Don't worry if the problem persists. In such a condition, you need to consider the two sensor eyes aligned. But if that also doesn't work, now is the time to consult a professional.

How to Insulate the Garage Door?

Insulating the door is one of the most important steps to keeping it functional during the winter. Perform the following to do so:

Reflective insulation or foam board works best if you own a garage door sans panels.

For wooden doors, you may choose to cut &fit rigid insulation into recesses between frames.

If you own a steel door, use any insulation, but the best one is the insulation made from flexible fibreglass

With these things kept in mind, you can winterize your garage door.

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