When Jesus Christ came to earth, one of his names was Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). Jesus’ ascension to heaven in his resurrected body demonstrated the permanence of the incarnation. This has great bearing on where God chooses for us to dwell together. The new earth will be heaven incarnate, just as Jesus Christ is God incarnate. It will not be strange for Jesus to live on the new earth, since like all of us, he first lived on the original earth!
In the forty days between Christ’s resurrection and ascension, he walked, talked, ate and drank with his disciples. They saw a preview of the resurrected life reminding us that we will be both spiritual and physical beings forever.
It’s fascinating to compare the first three and last three chapters of the Bible. In both we see the “tree of life,” a great river or rivers, a bride and a bridegroom. In Genesis, paradise is lost; in Revelation, paradise is regained. In Genesis, Satan wins his first victory; in Revelation, he experiences his final defeat. In Genesis, God hides his face from sinful man; in Revelation, it’s said of God’s children “they will see his face” (Revelation 22:4).
In Genesis, the curse is pronounced; in Revelation, it’s removed. In Genesis, the gates of paradise are shut; in Revelation, the heavenly city’s gates are open. In Genesis, death appears; in Revelation, death is finally destroyed. It’s the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, the second Adam, who is given full credit for his sweeping victory over sin and death and his dramatic rescue of his people. By his incredible grace, those who believe in him will live forever in heaven rather than in hell.
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