What is a spell
What is a Spell? IN ANCIENT PAGAN communities the elders, or wise ones, had, by their very experience, an awareness of custom and a firm grasp of what had previously worked when trying to gain control over Mother Nature and other powers they did not fully understand. They had access to certain knowledge (and therefore power) that was not readily available to the ordinary individual. The ancients recognized that words spoken in a certain way, according to custom, seemed to have more of an effect than those spoken on the spur of the moment. As a consequence, their words would have more power, yet the same words spoken by the uninitiated or those who did not understand,did not seem to have the same result. There are three important aspects when reciting a spell. The first is that words spoken with intensity and passion do have a power all of their own. The next is that the speaker also has a power and an energy which, with practice, he or she may learn to use effectively. The third c

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