Life’s Threads.

ゲスト2023/07/28 11:14
Life’s Threads.

Life’s Threads.

We find our place in the tapestry of existence.
                     A journey of experiences intertwined with grace.
                     Every thread has a story to tell.
                     A symphony of emotions, both fearful and daring.


Life is a wide and colorful tapestry.
Colored from the future to the past.
Each brush stroke is a decision we make.
Dreams and the risks we take guide us.


We dance through the beats in a variety of ways,
Amid the darkness and on the brightest of days.
Life, dear buddy, is a transient treasure.
A precise mix of pleasure and anguish.


We seek our truth in the fabric of life.
Beyond transitory youth, a search for purpose.
We slip and fall , but we find strength to get backup.
We won the prize through perseverance and optimism.


We withstand the waves through tempests and hurricanes,
Finding shelter in love that endures forever.
For love, sweet love, is the golden thread that runs through life.
Hearts and souls are linked, and dreams are shared.


We welcome the unknown with open arms,
Discovering treasures in the seeds we have sown,
We learn from our setbacks and mistakes.
Every scar has a lesson.


So, let us live with intention and elegance,
Leaving a legacy that time cannot erase.
After all, when the tapestry is unfolded,
May our life be remembered for making a difference in the world.

シェア - Life’s Threads.



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