Siani frog
Once upon a time, a frog was going and he met a crow on the way. The crow warned him not to go ahead, there is a pond ahead and you will fall into it and drown. The frog was not listening to anyone. said
Hey crows, nothing happens, you just keep scaring me. The frog went ahead and fell into the pond as it went forward. And the crow started drowning.
In the frog dialect, I am not drowning, I am taking a bath.
The crow said, "Don't go ahead. There are thorn bushes ahead."
The frog said to the crow that you are just scaring me, nothing will happen, I will go.
The frog goes ahead and gets stuck in a thorny bush and the thorns start to fall
Crow says, "Didn't you see, that's why I forbade you."
The frog says to the crow, "I don't have thorns, I am getting vaccinated."
The crow then forbids the frog to go further, the camel will be crushed under his feet.
The frog does not obey the crow and goes ahead and gets under the feet of the camel.
The crow says, "Didn't you see, that's why it was forbidden?"
The frog replies to the crow and says I am not crushed, I am suppressing myself.
The crow again forbade that do not go ahead, there is an eagle ahead and it will carry it away.
As always, the frog did not listen to the crow and moved on.
As it went forward, the eagle picked up the frog and carried it away.
Crow said that is why it was forbidden.
The frog tells the crow that it is not as you think, I am going to my home.
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