It's sweet and
It's highly recommended
It's the fighter of
Anxiety and boredom
So they say
It's redesigned to
Become a part of you
And soon turn to addiction
Funny thing though,
You just agreed
Cause you were in to see what's in the package
That you forgot to read the
Terms and conditions.
I'm glad that we
Have made life easy for everyone
But I'm worried as well.
These pills are not swallowed
They are either taken by listening
Or just staring with your eyes
How I wish, that bitter paracetamol
Would be taken in such manner.
If you have not taken it
You are not a verified human
We have attributed
So much value that to it
Than we ever gave to God.
Its a pandemic
And site of shame to the dead.
And it bestows fame when you trend
A horrible tragic
Christened the right lifestyle.
We are not sick nor unhealthy
But have lost the man to man connection.
Seeking a blindspot happiness.
Don't exaggerate it otherwise
Its good and useful in the hands
As well as it's bad and
Enslaved our brains to the apex
That our sole fountain of pride
Erupts from gazing at it.
Such irony you flaunt.
Obsession with it,
As society comes to summon,
A vile of truth is hidden
And a table of feast is set before you
To distract you from reality.
Everyone is trapped
In their own fantasy of interest.
And I have nothing much to say.
Clouded are my words
If one speaks the truth
Who would accommodate such truth.
A lie told several times
Eventually is the truth
My Lord, I would like to mention some of these pills
But due to their monopoly and
The circumstances of the world
I can't. Forgive me.
Its all an pandemic.
We're living in someone's imaginative world.
But what can you do?
Your peer joins and to keep up,
You do the bidding and you are ok.
These pills are easy to consume
Without even noticing
You've taken overdose.
Caution should be ported when
Going to the pharmacy to install such apps.
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