New edition 2023
1st edition 2021
2nd edition 2022
© Bayo Onuwaje 2023
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or other without the prior written permission of the author.
Bayo Onuwaje Concepts
DEDICATION: The story is proudly dedicated to God Almighty for His gift of life and inspiration.
APPRECIATION: Thanks to everyone that contributed positively to the production of this creative storyline and kudos to you reading it. Once again, thank you and remain blessed.
Ministers of Darkness is a story about a group of people publicly known as sons of wealth but privately called Ministers of Darkness. The members of this group are the richest people in the community feared by everyone including the royal family. This made them to win converts as many young men and old in the community started finding their ways into the pretending brotherhood society but cult of ritualists. Some of the converts who gained entry were killed if they decided to quit after seeing the dark side of the group, while some rather accepted their fate and settled as members.
The leader of the group was chief Badmus. He was dead and the group sought to replace him immediately with his first son whom the god appointed so they could do the necessary rites on his burial because if there is no leader, the group cannot perform any rite on the dead. Collins, the first son of chief Badmus was the person chosen to be the leader.
He was visited by two of the subleaders of the group including his younger brother named Kenneth. Collins refused on the basis that he is not a member and he is a faithful Christian whose doctrine will not permit him to join the group. The two subleaders were chief Clement and chief Lawrence. They and with the enthusiastic motive of Kenneth tried all possible ways to convince Collins to take his late father's leadership position and enlarge his coast thereafter, he continued to reject their offer with the saying that he is a Christian and cannot join. Another most important thing that made Collins to reject the offer of these ambassadors of the group was that he was told by one of the prophets in his church that the group was not as the general public thought it was, the prophet proceeded that the group has a hidden agenda that the members are evil and are secret cultists. That was it, Collins made up his mind to pay no attention and disallowed any visitations of his younger brother and the two men to his house. He had been warned by the same prophet that he must distant himself from them and must ensure he strengthen his faith so as to face any challenges that may spring up as a result of the rejection. For that reason, chief Clement and chief Lawrence got fed up and they withdrew from recruiting Collins into the group but Kenneth still continues on his plan.
Upon the rejection of the group by Collins, Kenneth got more furious and took it personal. He sought the support of two younger members of the group and a herbalist to wage war against his elder brother. At first, he succeeded by inflicting Collins' daughter with an illness but with persistent prayers of the church, the illness was cured. The group summoned Kenneth to question him about his personal attachment towards the recruitment of Collins, he lied that it was family affection because he really wanted his brother to inherit his late father's position, whereas, Kenneth has a personal evil plan at heart.
He was jealous of his brother and wanted to kill him. He has tried to kill him some times in the past but the new church he joined when he travelled to Lagos was his protection. So he thought that if Collins could accept to be the leader of the group, he would be detached from his Christian faith and then he could seize power of the cult against him and kill him. If Collins died, automatically Kenneth will be the leader. That has been his plan for so many years since he was brought into the group by his own father the late chief Badmus.
To become a leader of sons of wealth, it was a custom that the first son of the decease will rule after him. That is why it is a free ticket for every male child of each member to join the cult. Collins has refused to join the group the moment he clocked eighteen years of age which was the age of initiation. That was why he travelled to Lagos through the help of his maternal uncle. In fact, on that rejection, his mother was killed by his father because she was the one that championed the escape of Collins to the city. Three years later, Kenneth joined and he sought to get rid of Collins because he learnt that even though Collins was not a member, if his father died, he would be the one the god would invite to become the leader of the group. Kenneth had foreseen it that Collins would never come back to join the group and if that is the case, the position of leadership according to custom would be voted for by members and given to another person among the subleaders of the group. Kenneth did not want that position to slip away from his family generation not even when he is still alive so he thought the best thing he could do is to kill Collins the first son. If he succeeded, he would be the one to rule instead.
The group suspected the hidden agenda of Kenneth but he denied it. He made a request from the group to give him a last chance so he could convince his brother to join the group. The council of subleaders had a discussion and gave Kenneth a full moon to bring positive and final report about his brother.
Kenneth arranged his two men again and with the support of the herbalist, he fought spiritually against his elder brother but at the end of it, a powerful vigil was organized by the church to give Collins and his family a spiritual backup. Collins himself, his wife and his two children will never cease in fasting and praying. Chief clement and chief Lawrence warned Kenneth to put an end to his over ambitiousness but he paid deaf ears to it and prepared himself to attend the vigil accompany by the two young men. Kenneth attended the vigil as planned but there he met his deadend including the two young men that were with him. Even the herbalist at his shrine felt the heat of the fall of Kenneth and his cohorts. Kenneth confessed and died thereafter as a result of the warning given to him by the herbalist that if he failed on the mission, death will be the price.
The sons of wealth discovered the real truth why Kenneth had wanted his brother to become the leader but they ignored the matter and concentrate on important ones which is to vote for a new leader. Then they conducted proper rites on the corpse of late chief Badmus. And later, they did necessary things based on their custom on the death of Kenneth. And since after the death of chief Kenneth, Collins and his family were saved from the troubles of the brotherhood. That's the end of the story.
Some notable lessons from the story
1. In all you do, remember that serving God is the best.
2. Be a member of a church or a fellowship that will stand to support you when you need help.
3. Over ambitiousness is bad and it may result into evil acts.
4. Do not be a supporter to evil plans.
5. Always be careful when it comes to joining a brotherhood or sisterhood. Some may have evil agenda in secret.
For more of these fantastic stories, for question, recommendation, partnership or sponsorship, kindly contact Bayo Onuwaje Concepts.