Just Mainly the environment is faced with myriads of challenges. With various kinds of pollutants which man deposits on the ground is a major cause of it.
The environment is polluted is by indiscriminate disposal of refuse. In many areas in Ghana, environmental pollution is very rampant in developed areas due to rapid population growth and settlements which remains a propelling factors by which people dispose of refuse at unauthorized places. Typical example is the dumping of refuses in gutters or drains which then create problems such as flood.Since the developed areas thus cities are highly populated and therefore people are overcrowded,some people end up disposing their refuse at unauthorized places that they find themselves,which then result in the creation of slums in the developed areas.
Another kind of environmental pollution which is caused by nature is erosion, erosion which refers to the removal of the top soil by rainwater and is collectively said to be part of the denudatioprocessalso also forms another major example of environmental pollution.Erosion the occur when the land is left bare.
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