Grand Fashion House

Grand Magazine2023/05/25 13:41

Grand Fashion House: To Produce Stunning, Sustainable Fashion That Empower Individuals and Honors Diversity.

Grand Fashion House

Grand Royal And Noble Designs is an emerging fashion retailer based in Lagos that specializes in offering exclusive, premium-quality unisex garments. Under the guidance of Lukman Habeeblahi Oyediran, the company strategically caters to the discerning middle-class demographic with a strong emphasis on fast fashion. By leveraging both online and offline channels, the brand aspires to establish itself as a prominent global fashion label while prioritizing sustainability and empowering individuals through their exquisite designs.

The key impacts and innovations driving the company's mission include:

1) Utilizing locally sourced and eco-friendly materials.

2) Implementing fair trade practices across the supply chain.

3) Embracing and showcasing traditional craftsmanship.

4) Collaborating closely with talented local artisans.

5) Offering inclusive sizing options to cater to diverse body types.

6) Representing and promoting diversity through their choice of models.

7) Adopting zero-waste production techniques to minimize environmental impact.

8) Educating consumers about sustainable fashion and its importance.

9) Creating a platform to nurture and support emerging designers.

10) Fostering an environment that encourages creativity, inclusivity, and sustainable practices.

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