Types of solar panels

Sunlife Solar2023/05/19 16:51
Types of solar panels

Types of solar panels

Solar panels are a safe and promising source of energy. If you are planning or have already decided to install a solar power plant in your home, you should know how many types of solar panels are available.

The main types of solar panels and their characteristics

·         Monocrystalline solar panel:

There are monocrystalline, polycrystalline, as well as panels created from amorphous silicon. Consider the features of each of the 3 types of solar panels.


For the manufacture of panels, a silicon crystal is grown according to the Czochralski method. Next, it is cut into thin plates, which are used to assemble the panel. Monocrystalline solar panels have a black tint.

Given that the element is made of a single crystal, the electrons that create the electric current have more "room" to maneuver and move and show increased efficiency compared to polycrystalline panels. Thus, the efficiency of single crystals varies from 18 to 24%.

·         Polycrystalline solar panel:

As a basis for the manufacture of panels, a semiconductor element with a polycrystalline structure is used. For production, raw materials are used that are left after the manufacture of single-crystal batteries. First, silicon raw materials are melted and then cooled.

Considering the inhomogeneity of crystals, it is not possible to obtain a completely uniform surface. The color scheme of polycrystalline panels is blue. The efficiency varies from 12 to 18%.

·         Amorphous silicon solar panels

Amorphous silicon is a hydrogenated form of silicon, which contains hydrogen, which changes the properties of the material and gives it the properties of a semiconductor. Glass, polymers, and ceramics can be used as a substrate for silicon hydrogen deposition, but stainless steel remains the most common material.


Amorphous silicon has an optical absorption that is 20 times higher than that of crystalline silicon, which is why a film thickness of only 0.5-1.0 microns is sufficient. The efficiency of new-generation amorphous silicon panels is gradually increasing. If the efficiency of the first modules did not exceed 5%, today panels are produced, the efficiency of which reaches 12%. A feature of amorphous silicon panels is the efficient use of scattered sunlight. This property makes them the best option for use in northern regions. It is also worth noting that their effectiveness does not decrease with increasing air temperature. However, the cost of this type of solar panels remains high.

Rigid and flexible solar panels

Traditional mono- and polycrystalline panels have a rigid construction. As a result, the finished module has a significant weight, is not at all elastic, and is fragile. It cannot be installed on a curved surface.

·         Flexible solar panel:

Unlike rigid flexible solar panels, created based on ultra-thin steel strips, they look like a film and are elastic and light. A flexible steel base provides strength and durability. Such panels can be easily installed on uneven surfaces.

What types of solar panels to choose for a summer residence?

The choice of the type of solar panels for a house or cottage depends on the available options.

For the same size, monocrystalline batteries can convert more energy than polycrystalline ones. The monocrystal pays off faster. If you have financial opportunities, you can recommend a single-crystal battery. In addition, this option will be the only one of the surface area suitable for installing panels that is not large.

If there is sufficient space, polycrystalline panels can be purchased. Their cost is not high, so you can choose the optimal amount needed to obtain the desired amount of energy. In addition, a polycrystal will be a good solution if your goal is to obtain energy to power only small appliances and devices.

Flexible solar panels are ideal for installation on curved surfaces, as well as on boats, yachts, motorhomes, campers, and cars. Choose equipment from brands that have been around for a long time and have proven themselves in the market. Do not buy cheap batteries from manufacturers that no one has heard of.

Sunlife Solar:

If you have the desire to assemble a solar power plant for your home but do not have time to understand the features of the device and the principles of operation of solar panels, feel free to contact Sunlife Solar specialists who will tell you about the nuances and select the best set of equipment!

Best Solar Panel Company in Pakistan:

Sunlife Solar is one of Pakistan's most innovative solar companies. As a leading provider of solar solutions, Sunlife Solar provides the best service in Pakistan.



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