Rachel Joy2023/09/22 21:44

In year 2021, Maraya's sister Miriam was disturbed about the predicament of her sister's family. Miriam introduced Maraya to a Woman of God, but Maraya was not interested because of the constant disappointment she and Hazon has received from other Men of God. It took a while before Maraya was convinced to go for prayers and deliverance service at the church.

Maraya went to the woman's church and felt God's presence and love, she was filled with warmth and she felt a burden being lifted up her shoulders. God located her during the service and the Woman of God named Esther prayed for her and delivered her from the dark shadows that attached itself to Maraya. Pastor Esther told Maraya to come with her husband the next time she comes for prayers.

Maraya got home and told her husband the event that took place at the church, but he was not interested. The following week during the prayers and deliverance service, Hazon went to the venue but stayed outside within the premises. He went round to observe the arena and then entered his car and drove off. Pastor Esther saw him wondering around before he left and God said to her, "you see this man, i am going to settle him".

A week later, Hazon, Maraya and Rejoice went to see Pastor Esther. Pastor Esther said to Hazon, "the enemies fighting you are house hold enemies, the people you love so much are the ones that are trying to bring you down. The migraine headache your daughter has been having is a result of a black pot of hot water which is being heated by fire from a wood in the spirit realm". Hazon narrated everything that has been happening at the same time God kept revealing deeper secret about the battle the family has been fighting. Pastor Esther arranged for a deliverance section so they can be liberated from every foundational curse and demonic altars.

A week to the deliverance, the pastors that were involved for the prayer section were being attacked by the enemy. They wanted to back out because most of them became sick. They told Pastor Esther to move the date for the deliverance but she said no because it will be too late. One day, Pastor Esther was praying and then entered a trans and saw an ancient old woman coming out from the ground and the ancient woman starred at Pastor Esther with fury in her eyes because they did not want Hazon to be free.

The day of liberation came and God came down with his mighty power and delivered them from foundational curse and evil altars. After the deliverance, there was a reaction from the kingdom of darkness. The devil was so angry and threw deadly arrows to them but God did not allow it to harm Hazon and his family. Hazon was in doubt about what was revealed concerning his brothers who allowed the devil to use them against him. Whenever the family gather to pray, Hazon was not always in agreement with the prayers. God was waiting for Hazon to grab the bull by the horn to stand and pray as the head and priesthood of the family. Maraya was angry in her spirit about Hazon's behavior of the situation. God kept unravelling various truths and secrets as He was delivering them everyday most especially when they go for prayers.

Psalm 32:7 says, "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance".

DELIVERANCE: God brought Rejoice out of the grave the devil had put her in. God revealed the people that tied Hazon's money down and these people are two of his brothers, Samuel and Benjamin. A woman removed all the jewelry she had used on Rejoice to monitor her movement right from birth and ran away saying, "this body is too hot for me to stay". The prayer band team went to Hazon's house to pray for Love and God used them mightily and destroyed all spiritual mirrors in the house that was used to monitor every movement. The plantain and banana trees had to be removed because the dark forces at night gather there to perform all sort of evil devices. The arrows that were sent to kill Rejoice landed on the dogs and they died. Rejoice only felt a little bit of the pain because God did not allow the deadly arrow to kill her. Words of Knowledge were giving to Hazon about his family on what he should do and not do.

Few months of consistent prayers at the church, Hazon was not patient with what God said He was set to do. He kept on saying in his mind "but God said this and that why is none coming to pass?" Hazon failed to understand that God has time for everything and what He has started He definitely will finish it.

The situation of the house was getting worst everyday, the kingdom of darkness was fighting back and it was getting hotter and hotter.