How I escaped the hangman's noose in case of mistaken identity . ( An unforgettable experience)

It was on a Sunday evening , I lay down on my six inches mattress as I reflected on the church service of the day . I particularly pondered on the sermon topic , " Being like Christ . " The preacher drew inference from the bible book of Philippians about how Jesus Christ had humbled himself by assuming the servant position which culminated in his death through crucifixion . In my lying position I had reached for my bible for a second look at the passage when I had a violent knock at my door . The intruders did not have the patience to wait for my response as they pushed the door open with a savage temerity that forced me to jump out of my bed with fright . Five heavily armed police men barged into my little room with a young lady of about eighteen trailing behind them . I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or scared being only scantily dressed ! The situation was reminiscent of a scene in a crime movie . I hadn't the luxury of time to wonder what was amiss as the young lady motioned to the officers that I was the one ! Myriads of thoughts flooded my head . " I was the who ? " " Hey ! You are under arrest ! " The voice of one of the officers thundered . He probably was the leader of the team . The voice was coarse in a dangerous way . His breathe reeked of cigarette and alcohol. Soon the nauseating odour pervaded my room . I was shivering at that point and even passed a few drops of urine involuntarily in my boxers ! " Handcuff him " came the voice of a second officer . " Oga this man is a criminal , don't be fooled by his Innocent appearance . " Yet another spoke . Everything happened so fast and I was dragged out of the room and through the passage , my two hands cuffed behind . My steady and constant pleas of innocence fell on deaf ears . The frontage of my house was filled with inquisitive onlookers , most of who stood at safe distances to watch the tragic drama . I could imagine the unasked questions in their naive minds . I was thrown mercilessly into a waiting van after the most vile among the invaders had given me the beating of my life . They made sure to sandwich me between two of the armed officers on a separate row adjacent to the one on which the rest sat . The young lady sat with the leader in front and the van zoomed off with a screeching speed and with siren barring .This story continues certainly . Please follow my page. More juicy stories coming on the stables of your STORY TELLA
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