Different Stories

第5話 - Story 4: Out of Control

ALEXANDRIA2023/03/28 15:52

I have a boyfriend and we've known each other for a long time. I love him and I am contented with our relationship. I thought that he will be the one for me, but I was wrong.

I was away because of work for 3 months and I thought that everything was alright. We talked to each other like always, like nothing has changed.

My work was shorten so I can go home earlier than the said date, so I was really happy. I immediately packed my things and plan surprise my boyfriend.

When I got home, I knocked on our door a lot of times but no one answered, luckily I always bring the spare key on our house.

"W-what's this...."

When I opened the door, I saw clothes and bottles of beers scattered across the floor.

"N-noooo i-it can't be...He will never do that.."

My mind went blank, anger fills me inside. Every step I take feels heavy. I don't know that reaching the second floor of our house can be this hard. When I reached the top, I slowly walked to our room. I quietly opened the door, and there I saw them sleeping, hugging each other with their naked bodies. Tears started to fall from my eyes. The woman beside Jay was her best friend, since they were highschool. She was like family to her, they experienced a lot of things together.....and now...she did this. 

"Haaaaaa....." she walked away and sits down on the staircase while crying.

It's like she's been stab in her heart, not just once but twice, and they were the people she love and trust the most.

"I hate them...." anger can be shown through her eyes.

She can't control her anger right now, so when she saw a lighter and the remaining alcohol, she started a fire. She wants to burned them, she wants to make them suffer for what they did to her. When she realized what happened she didn't even feel sorry. 

"Hahaha, you deserved to die!!"

"I give my everything to the both of you, and this is what I get for all the kindness and love that I show you!!"

"Go to hell!!"
