Different Stories

第3話 - Story 2: TIME

ALEXANDRIA2023/03/23 07:59

A guy used to meet his girlfriend at the park.....

She always arrives on time. But he was always late and she never got angry of him.......

One day she didn't come, and he waited for her. Hours passed and he decided to go to her house. There, she told him that she is sick. And that she had only a week to live.........

He, then, moved close to her and whispered,

"Be strong, baby.......I love you"

When she was asleep, he kissed her forehead and went back home crying.

He took a pen, a piece of paper and locked himself in his room.....

The next day, the guy's brother went to the girl's home...He gave her the letter that his brother wrote.

She asked him where his brother was.

He stared at her and shook his head.

"He died last night....he killed himself....."

She stared at him and tears fell from her eyes..She didn't expect that he would do that...Tears kept flowing from her eyes and it won't stop.......

She grabbed and opened the letter, and saw some blood stains......

"When we meet each other, you always reach there on time, I was always late and you never get mad at me, not once......"

"You were always early, but today you didn't came so I became worried. I didn't know that you were sick, and I didn't even notice it. I'm really sorry, I failed my job as your boyfriend. I hope that you'll still forgive me for everything. Take your time, I will never make you wait again , because this time I'll be the one going ahead and will be waiting for you..........."

"............I LOVE YOU............"