The Art that’s an Illusion

Jerry2023/02/25 21:50

The art that’s an illusion is written by me and it’s one of the most truest things I’ve ever experienced.

The Art that’s an Illusion

The Art That's An Illusion

Just when you start thinking about this world. You go through all the things except yourself you count every person in this world as a world but are you even in this world?


Time clashes clock rings birds seek out and you know what you have to do but do you know the real purpose? Do we all exist in this world that is as fragile as glass, as strong as iron? What's the whole concept when one asked we rotate it around what we have been preached by people and it's been a continuous chain that's been here for over the centuries.

A never-ending chain of the same cycle same words but at different times. All wondering and worrying about making their lives better but Do they worry about what life is?


Are we even present in this world or this whole thing is an illusion, illustration, or art? The

answers to the questions are unknown but the delusion is real.

One can't be happy with our with his needs there is always more that one would ask for and that more is an unachievable, unattainable respective goal that can never be achieved.

Based on the Psyche of human nature; visions and missions are just words what you achieve is a goal no matter how you played to achieve that goal either you get away from your vision or you get way too ahead of that.


There's no line between reality and illusion, in a minute you're in reality but you don't know if

that's real and in the other minute you're in illusion and you don't even know if that's fake.

If I ask myself what life is I would say it's an illusion or an illustration by the brain that no matter how hard you try to grab you always are too close or too far but you don't achieve the things you want to. Even the conquerors couldn't. Time changed but still, we live in a delusion made by our brains. Are we like this?


When we go through the past we can't remember much besides the failures and the success. But when we think about the future we think about an empty page on which we can write but can we?

The fate of life (future) we know has already been there so how can we write on something that's written? Are we even present in this world full of everything or we are in delusion still thinking about the future that our future would be like this?


What is life is my question now..... If it's what we have been preaching for centuries then why do we care if it's not then why are we here working on the same things and still not getting the answers? Did we lose ourselves at some point and now we can't find a stable page to grow with? Or did we fall back from where we started? What if the world we live in is unknown the life we say we live is unknown it's just what we are not imagining it's way beyond our thinking.

シェア - The Art that’s an Illusion



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