Walking by, meant a man who stopped me as his attention was on me. First he said he's is an alien in the country and because he doesn't fit in, he alienated himself from everyone but seeing a stunning girl walking by with great confidence and optimism, he became attracted. I am a nobody in this country and people call me weird........ Please teach me to boost in my person, as I've seen in you says the man. First I was astonished because a man I just meant has poured in his insecurities to me. Like why did you think I can do what you've asked of me?, I myself, is not up to perfection, and I'm mostly shy when I face the crowd. Then a thought came to me, why don't you start with communicating with those close to you? You can start with hello! You look great in this outfit. He smiled and complimented on my looks and from there we became friends. One don't need to fit in, just be yourself and people will love you for who you are. Trying to fit in, means first you were never in.