So when we think about clear skin we think more is important but it is not like that
A simple routine with products can be more effective and pocket friendly also
So the basic step is only cleanse and provide moisture to skin and in morning most important is sunscreen
Steps for clear skin are
So the first step for our morning skincare is cleaning our face can use a face wash or a gentle cleaner but below the ph of 6 is safe and better if you have a very dry or a dry skin you can skip cleanser at morning and wash only with water. This will prevent extra dryness
2. Moisturizer
So after cleansing your face it is very important to moisturizer for every skin type don't dry your face apply moisturizer in damp skin this will help to lock in the moisture
The last step is most important it is spf it is sun protection use a spf daily in morning routine with spf of 30+ this will protect your skin
And remember if you are not applying your spf all other skincare is useless it is very important step
Also don't forget to reapply after every 3 hourse .
So 3 steps are enough to maintain a healthy skin sometimes using so many products and actives not work for skin .
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