May appear dead but not
Naked but living
Weak but breathing
Alone but alive
I remember the days with leaves
I was planted in the rain never heard drought
Clothed with leaves of many colours
They covered and protected me from the scourging sun
They never allow the rain to beat me
I flowered in Winter
Many came and sang about my beauty
They all told me how good I was but said nothing about my ugliness in summer
Gradually my flowers became fruits
This brought joy to my smiling heart
With my fruits I fed the birds
I became the delight of them all
I allowed the birds to rest on me
I housed them
They live in-between my branches and leaves
I heard them speak of my juicy fruits and my comforting branches
Suddenly the leaves began to fall
And my nakedness exposed
My fruits which gave me a name in the jungle began to fall
The precious becoming useless
Shortly the wise is called a fool by the ones he taught
The birds now sing of my shame in the market
They mocked me ( The beautiful tree)
They called my naked eagle powerless
A dying tree with a living hope
I heard the sound of thunder on a blissful morning
And the cloud becoming dark
The rain is here again
It watered my dry root
I feel alive once more
My stem filled with strength to carry branches
My branches ready to bear leaves
The flowers are back
Here I am with more fruit
The birds begged to return
To taste of my juicy fruits
To rest on my comforting branches
Here is my question:
Should I house the birds again knowing they can leaved just like they did the last time or should I send them away .
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