story of a girl and birds

aman2023/02/15 14:41
story of a girl and birds

The story of the bird and the girl

It is mentioned once that a girl lived in a small town and she used to feed the birds every day. Every day all the birds waited for her to get up early in the morning and when she got up and opened the window, all the birds made a noise with joy. They started shaking.

The bird and that girl had become very good friends and all the birds had started trusting this girl very much. They always stayed with the girl.

In the same town, there used to be a cruel man who used to catch birds by feeding them. But since the girl started feeding the birds, she did not eat the man's grain. The cruel man was very worried. How can he force the bird back to eat his food so that he can catch them? A trick came into his mind. He made a flying bird and sent it to the place where the girl lived. And when the girl put the food, the bird that came out also went to eat and fell down as if there was poison in the food.

And the rest of the birds were very scared to see that maybe this girl had mixed something in the food. They all left there and did not come back. Every day the girl put food, but no bird came and neither did her. She lived around like she used to live before. That girl was very worried that what happened?

On the other hand, the cruel man was very happy because all the birds came to eat his grain and he caught them easily. Where are the other companions going? Just as she was thinking, a wise bird came and inquired about the rest of the companions. They said that we go to eat a man's grain every day. But on the way back, some of us birds disappear. This bird said, let's take me with you tomorrow. The next day she went with them and understood the whole matter. She told the rest of the birds that once. I saw the man fly out of the bird which was to catch the other bird. The other bird was very sad and told the whole incident with the girl to the wise bird. He told them that if you want to save your life. If so, don't come here again and go back to that girl. Next day when morning came, she came and sat in the window of that girl and started making noise. That girl is like a bird. Waaz was very happy to hear and quickly opened the window and saw the bird in front of him.

It started spinning around.

The bird realized his mistake that he did not trust his girl friend and on the other hand the man tried to call him back again but no one would fall into his trap.

Amina Latif

シェア - story of a girl and birds



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