Fool is fool at forty.

Yarjan2023/02/12 09:59

First of all we should know that what this proverb means. In simple words we can say that If a person is fool so he or she will remain a fool even at the age of 40. Why 40 years? It is 40 years in proverb because from 1 to 4 years we learn how to walk, how to talk and how to eat. After 4 years a child is given admission in school. In school we learn almost all basic things of our lives that what should we do and how should we behave and many other basic things are thought in school. After school we almost spend 10 more years in our studies and then we reach to thirty years. From thirty to forty we attain a lot of experience and then we become complete. We have gained knowledge in our 20s, learned a lot through experiences in 30s and now 40 is the midpoint of our lives. At forty we almost know each and everything about life. we become fully mature in 40s. Forty is the best age or time to grow because after that in your 50s you will not be the same. When you reach to 50 years your brain will not work properly That's why it is said that a fool is fool even at his 40s. So what does it really means? It means that if someone is fool so he or she will remain a fool even he or she reaches forty years which is the prime age. In other words we can say a fool is always a fool. Knowledge, experience or any other type of things can not make a fool an intelligent that's why it is said that "With age comes experience not intelligence.

So let's discuss that who are fools and why they always remain fool? So there are some characteristics of fools. The first characteristic of fools is that they always believe they are right and they will never accept that they are wrong. If someone has this habit so he or she is called a fool. Their this habit will always remain with them even at forty. Fools also love blaming others and they are never ready to take responsibilities. They don't want challenges. They want to live their easy lives and don't want to change themselves and the most Important characteristic of fools is that they never accept their foolishness. So the characteristics which they posses are always with them because they don't want to change themselves that's why they are always fool.

Remember: "Maturity doesn't come from age it comes from responsibilities" and fools never want to take responsibilities that's why they are never mature.

シェア - Fool is fool at forty.



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