By Simeon Austin David Pangu
Election time has come again
Youth of Sierra Leone, let's refrain
From tribal and partisan sentiment
Let's put our country first, let's be content
The ballot box is where we cast our vote
A peaceful election is what we'll promote
No violence, no anger, no fear
Let's embrace democracy and make it clear
We are one nation, we are one people
Let's rise above hate and let love be the fuel
That drives us forward, that drives us ahead
Let's make a better Sierra Leone, let's not be led
By those who seek to divide us and stir up strife
We are better than that, we have a brighter life
Ahead of us, if we choose to unite
And embrace the power of our collective might
So let's wise up, youth of Sierra Leone
Let's put aside our differences and be shown
That together we can achieve so much more
Peaceful elections, a brighter future, that's what we're in store
For if we stand together, we can make a change
A peaceful election, a brighter tomorrow, that's what we'll arrange.
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