The sad boy who is meant to be alone

Pppromes2023/02/08 09:13

Read as he tried to change his fate

The sad boy who is meant to be alone

In life the struggle continues, we never want to end up becoming what people predicted, especially if you are afraid of it. A boy who is always alone and sad, happens to be one of the people who lives in this broken world. Starting from the time he was young, everyone pointed that he will be a failure, just like if he is the cause of the world trouble, people blame him for all their unfortunate circumstances. On all that happens, he never for one day hated, he minds his business and does the things made for him. He knows that there is no one there for him, so he doesn’t need to hope or blame anyone for his nature, he just accepted what he is and wasted no time in adapting to the changes in the environment. To be honest he never loved anyone, he is just good to everyone and asks for no returns. But he only has one wish in mind, to love one person, who will cheer up his life and make his life interesting and enjoyable, but it is a mere wish, cause the world never favored him. He silently cry’s in his heart, till there is no more tears left in his eyes, he isn’t comparing or complaining, in all that is happening, he doesn’t wish for wealth, or girls or long life like other people wish for, he only want one thing, which is happiness, and someone to trust, is it that hard?.

His heart has bled a lot of bloods made of tears, till one day, things that were not planned happened. He met someone, just like everyone he has met, this time something feels odd, he can’t get his mind of her, that he started being anxious and curious why he does has to carry a heavy burden in his heart . This girl is the best person he has met in his life, seeing her makes him happy, and spending a little time with her gives him a feeling that he has never felt. At first, it was just a joke, as he believed, that he cannot like anyone, but as time goes, he forgot what he is, and  decided to live out the best moment of his life. He does mind his business, but regarding the girl, he feels a little jealous, and responsible. He wasn’t shy to ask her out, but he wasn’t sure on his own side, if he is really doing the right thing, cause he knows that maybe the girl might be hurt because of him, it made him sad thinking about it for days, weeks, and months, that he started trying to get off the odd feelings he has for the girl. He tried almost everything possible but as it may have occurred, the feelings never changed. He seeks advice from people who has had relationships, trying to learn how to wash the feeling away, but all their opinions never worked out, as the more he wished the feelings gone the more he keeps loving the girl.

After failing many times, he decided to love the girl, since he has no other options. At first he was feeling guilty, but it later changed. It was the best moment of his life, he never loved, never allowed anyone to be close to him, but it appears different with the girl, he likes everything she does, right or wrong. 

Days passed, weeks too, but there was an issue and fear on the way, he doesn’t have so much time left, he has to relocate, which will make him not see his love for a long time. It was something he was scared and it gave him nightmares, he really wished to stay but, he has more reasons to leave. On the girls side, she is not that happy about it but is willing to wait, it made him extremely happy, and gives him hope that one day that little best moment of his life can be extended, and maybe last for a longer time, that was his thought, but nature has other plans for him, the girl was hurt, he was so sad, and he doesn’t know how to say sorry, the girl, avoids him, but he has hope, and trusts her. He is only drunk in his own tears of sadness, he couldn’t forgive himself, for bringing harm to the girl, when he really know how to avoid it. As he cries, he hoped and said that he might take a break, but can never give up. The best moment of his life was enjoyable, though it happened so fast, but it is something that he will never forget, he remembers the moments they spend together, it kept him happy and sad at the same time, but seeing her face in his imagination tells him that all will be well. As he was left alone, he no longer cry, he just kept getting better, and keeps hoping that she will come back one day, he looks at the sky day and night, rejecting every relationships coming his way, hoping that she will come back one day. To him, the time spent waiting for her doesn’t matter, he only says sorry whenever he remembers her, and that his feelings were never fake.

シェア - The sad boy who is meant to be alone



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