Abraham2024/03/01 11:21


INTRODUCTION: Freemason is an ancient fraternal organization that traces its origins to the 14th century local guilds of stone masons which has a square and a set of compasses joined as it’s single and most identifiable symbol. It is believed in some circle that freemasonry and the Illuminati are one an the same, it goes further in the Narrative that freemasonry is the mother of all the occults that came after! Throughout the ages some members have made their affiliations public, while others simply preferred to keep their involvement with the Order a secret! Membership confirmations of certain individuals can be gotten by searching through the records of the fraternity which are often kept in the lodges. Below is a list of famous religious leaders and founders of famous religious organizations who were members of the elite fraternity, or so was thought.

  1. Rev. JAMES ANDERSON.(1680-1739).                                                                                                                                                                                                        The exact date and place of birth of Rev. J. Anderson is relatively unknown. Believed to be probably around 1680, Rev Anderson was born in Aberdeen Scotland, where he was Educated and acquired a degree of Masters of Arts and Doctor of Divinity!

James Anderson being a Presbyterian minister was also the Master of  Masonic lodge No. 17, and a Grand Warden of the Grand lodge of London and Westminster, now known as the United Grand Lodge of England! Rev. J. Anderson is an important figure in the history of the Masons, being credited as the Author of one of the most important books of Masonry, which was published in the year 1723 as “The Constitution of The Freemasons”.


       2. JOSEPH SMITH.(1805-1844).            

Joseph Smith also known as Joseph Smith Jr was born on December 23 1805 in Vermont, United States. He was an American religious famous for his alleged encounter with the “Angel Moroni” who purportedly delivered the “Sacred texts” of the book of “Mormons” to him in the early 1800’s. He is also the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints.( The Mormons).                                            

Moreover, On the Eve of March 15 1842,  Joseph Smith and several others were initiated to the degree of “Entered Apprentice” by a certain Illinois Grand Master named ‘Mason Abraham Jonas’ in the  Nauvoo lodge, which was formed a year earlier. The Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints do not deny Smith’s involvement with the Freemasons, as several of the Church’s leaders after smith were also members of the Ancient Order, Including Brigham Young and John Taylor. 

Joseph Smith was shot dead by a mob alongside his brother Hyrum on June 27 1844.

3. SAMUEL MILLER.(1769-1850).       

 Samuel miller was born in Dover, Delaware on the 31st of October 1769. After obtaining a degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1789, he embarked on the journey of pastoral training which culminated into him serving as a pastor of the first Presbyterian Church in New York City. He was also the principal founder of the Princeton Theological Seminary, the second oldest Seminary in the United States! Where he also served as served as professor of Ecclesiastical history and Church Government!


It is believed with available evidence that Mr Miller joined the Masonic Order in the Grand Lodge of New York and rose to the rank of a royal Arch Mason. However upon his relocation to Princeton, when there was immense pressure to promote the propaganda of the incompatibility of Freemasonry and the Christian Church, Miller his memoir wrote in favor of the Christian church. He also regretted his membership and distanced himself from the order! Available documents written by miller himself showed that upon his relocation to Princeton, he renounced his membership and described himself as a mason who had not entered a lodge for several years or intend to enter one ever again.

4. CHARLES HARRISON MASON (1866-1961).                               

 Bishop C.H Mason was born in Shelby county, in the great state of Tennessee, United States on the 8th of September 1866. His birth parents Were former slaves. As an African-American and child of a former slave Mason received relatively little or no formal Education. However history has bestowed on him the credit of being the founder and first Senior Bishop of the ‘Church Of God In Christ’(COGIC) which currently has more than 6.5 million members worldwide!


Famous as a traditional root or ‘Hoodoo’ man, Mason claimed his sermons were inspired by items of nature which he readily acquired and photographed himself with. The theory was that a certain man named parham who was a Zionist and an advocate of British ”Isrealism” fell in love with the Charisma and nature of C.H Mason and decided to use him as a proxy to control and influence the religious population of African-Americans! The new Church(COGIC) was to be bankrolled by the Freemasons, the Rothschild, the order of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the Illuminati with an agenda to clandestinely control the global community of people of color in America! 

However this theory has not been verified as a fact, and we may probably never know the whole Truth!

5. WILLIAM MILLER. (1782-1849).       

 The Rev. William Miller inspired the most intense and popularized millennial religious expectation in American history, when he predicted that the second coming of Christ was to take place around the year 1843-1844. Through his sermons and teachings which deviated from the tradition Orthodox Christianity, miller birthed a religious movement that was known as ‘Millerism’ and it’s adherents called millerites! He was born on February 15th 1782 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, United States! Being an officer in the United States Army in the war of 1812 made miller a skeptic. After his service miller started digging deep into the scriptures, especially the prophecies recorded in the book of Daniel! The resultant effect of this expedition will go on to inspire the founders of a number of religious movements including the Seventh Day Adventist and the International Bible Students Association.(Now known as Jehovah’s Witnesses)



 It is an established fact that that William Miller was a Freemason. Though the exact date of his initiation is impossible to determine, records available show that sometime around 1803 the Rev. Miller joined ‘The Morning Star Lodge No. 27(Now No. 37). There are evidences of his active participation in the lodges annual ceremonies, first as a proxy, before he later rose to the rank Senior Warden in the year 1810.  He is also reported to have served the Lodge as ‘Worshipful Master’ in 1811, the highest rank in the heir-achy of the Masons. He resigned from Masonic activities in 1831.

6. GREGORIO AGLIPAY. (1860-1940).                                             

Bishop Gregorio Aglipay was born on the 5th of may 1860 in a town called Batac, llocos Norte in the Philippines. Orphaned at a very young age, Aglipay had his early Education in his home town of Batac, before moving on to Manila where he acquired a bachelor of Arts degree at the San Juan De Leteran. Subsequently, Gregorio in 1889 was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, of whose seminary he had attended in Vigan six years earlier, shortly after abandoning his pursuit of a degree in Law at the University of Santo Tomas. Gregorio Aglipay separated from the Catholic Church in 1899. He went on to form the Iglesia Filipina Independiente Or rather the Philippine Independent Church on August 3rd 1902. He was appointed the Church’s first supreme Bishop!


There are documented evidence which proves that bishop Gregorio Aglipay was initiated into the Ancient mystical Order on May 3rd 1918 at Lodge magdolo in cavite lodge No. 31, which is currently known as the Aguinaldo Memorial lodge. Bishop Gregorio Aglipay passed away on September 1st 1940.

7. JAMES WALKER HOOD. (1831-1918).                                         

J. W Hood was born on the 30th of may 1831 in Chester county, Pennsylvania in the United States. Despite little or no formal education, Hood went on to become the Bishop of the Northern conference Of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church,(AMEZ) against the backdrop of controversies and tensions that brewed within the Traditionally white Methodist community. He was also an Important figure in the movement demanding for civil and political rights for the African-American population in the fall of 1865! 



Bishop J W Hood was not only the Grand master of the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Prince Hall Masons, but was also instrumental in the creation  and spread of the regions black masonic lodges at a time when the overall community of White Masons were still grappling with the tensions and considerations that ensued if it was proper to have people of color as members of the Ancient Fraternity! Bishop J W Hood died on October 30th 1918,  and will be fondly remembered in history as the protagonist of the African-American Methodist movement and of the Negroes involvement and expansion in the Ancient Order of the Freemasons!

8. JASPER ADAMS.  ( 1793–1841).       

Jasper Adams, an accomplished professor and clergyman. One of the very upright and dedicated men in this top ten list. He was born in East Medway, Massachusetts in 1793, and had early there. He graduated from Bowen university in 1815. He has held positions as president of college of Charleston and the Geneva college at different times. Most importantly, in 1820, he was ordained as priest in the Episcopal Church.


As a writer and professor of various disciplines even in the military academy, goes to show Jasper’s love for knowledge and the deep things of theology.  There are Verifiable sources indicating that Jasper Adams was a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 4 in Providence, Rhode Island. Further search reveals his name and date of birth in a directory containing the names of Freemasons of his time!

9. Reverend Vincent Norman Peale. (1898-1993)

The very dynamic and Inspirational Reverend tried to to create a rejuvenated spiritual zeal for Christians in America, Using various media outlets like the newspapers, radio broadcasts and public sermons. With the charisma of a president and an oratorical personality it was evident that Rev. Peale was to be a soul winner with mass appeal. He was born on may 31st 1898 at Bowersville, Ohio, United States. Though he started with The Methodist Episcopal Church, being ordained as a priest there in 1922, he jumped ship five years later to The Reformed Church in America. I really do believe that Norman was more successful as an Author and therapist as his he was a preacher!


Vincent Norman’s Father and Grandfather were Freemasons. His father was a Methodist. Vincent himself had a spell with the Methodist Episcopal Church for some time, following in his fathers footsteps. Did he follow the footsteps of his father and grandfather in masonry? The answer is Yes. Norman was initiated an ‘Entered Apprentice’  in the ancient order in 1926 at the Midwood lodge no 1062 in Brooklyn.  Passed a fellow craft on January 20; and became a Master Mason on march 3rd 1926. In a famous letter written by the reverend, when asked why he was a Mason, the texts in that detailed letter buttress the facts that he adored, treasured and held sacred his Freemasonry.

10. CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL.(1852-1916).       

Evidently C T Russell is one of the most controversial and impactful restorationist. Greatly influenced by teachings of Samuel Miller and other Adventist Zionist. There was only one goal, study the Bible like a student, seek divine Truth and Revelation of the times. With this mandate in mind Russell birthed the ‘The International Bible Student Association’. Born February 16th, 1852 in Pittsburgh. Russell dedicated all his time and wealth in promoting Christ millennial reign and Second Corning. Less is known how his organization was able to hold still when his eschatological predictions failed. 


 The association of C T Russell with freemasonry is more of a controversial issue than it is of misinformation. Russell’s magazines carried symbols of a crown and a cross. The tomb in his burial place was said to be of a pyramid structure with the compass of the Freemason on it. The Grand lodge of British Colombia and Yukon has said that Russell is not a member of the Freemasons, that the symbols he used predates even the ancient fraternity. But most people still believe Russell kept his membership a secret and instructed the lodge to do so. However there is no available document to evidently prove that C T Russell was indeed a Mason!




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