Sorrowful ends

Nerd212023/02/07 01:48

How will the end of life be. You sit and just think of how your end is going to be. It is so sad and sorrowful because in the first place no one would like to leave his or her love once but we don't have the power to change that. Our riches and wealth cant save us from this tragidy. So what's so great about having problems with people when we know that at the end you matter what is going to be sorrowful. We know of an end but we have no idea how and in which form is going to be. So why the pride and arrogance at all when you don't even know how is ends are going to be. Just a lifeless body which is going to be decayed and we still have the might to challenge the almighty. I think everyone's end is going to be sorrowful, just imagine leaving someone that you cherished so much and you are never going to see each other, you will be leaving in two different worlds and is so sad that we don't know how and when this exiting would be due. It will be unfair to live life in sorrow when the biggest sorrow happens to be our end days. You might be thinking others are lucky to have left in particular matter we thought was ok but you will never know how that person See's it just that he or she is helpless and so lonely. So when ever I see someone dying, I always want to think of a way to ease their pains. The first day I saw someone die I was frightened and sad because I know that one day I will be a lifeless soul like those already gone. I think they have wished to keep living but nature cannot be tricked or emotions are wild when I see someone in distress and in sorrow but I'm also helpless in this situation because life cannot be bought. So lets always be on the watch out for good things and live happy lives because the end is sorrowful....

In Africa most of our parents and siblings don't show how much they love us . They do love us so dearly but will never show it in their actions, our dads and mom's hardly hug us. At times we get so scared of our parents due to the way they speak or behave towards us. But as soon as the person leaves this Earth we start regretting not showing and telling them how we felt, this is one biggest sin we human being commit and I don't want to commit this sin and I wouldn't want to regrets for not showing how much I love others. Show friends and relatives how you cherished and love them before you regret when they are laying lifeless on the slab. At that time, a barrier has been build between you people. Is either you join him or her, or never see or hear from them again. Let's live a life free of sorrows......

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