The Weird Love Story

第1話 - The Start

BilalSoomro262023/02/05 18:30

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Lily who lived in a small town on the outskirts of a vast forest. She lived a simple life and spent most of her days tending to her garden, reading books and wandering the woods. One day, while wandering the woods, she stumbled upon a strange creature lying unconscious. It had feathers as black as coal, and eyes as bright as stars. It was love at first sight for Lily.

She took the creature home, nursed it back to health, and named it Raven. Over the next few days, Lily and Raven grew inseparable, and to her surprise, Raven spoke to her in a language she could understand. They talked for hours on end, and Lily found herself opening up to Raven in a way she never had with anyone else. Raven was different from any other being she had ever met.

Days turned into weeks, and before she knew it, Lily was head over heels in love with Raven. But just as she was starting to feel happy, strange things started happening. Raven would suddenly disappear for hours at a time, leaving Lily worried and confused. Eventually, Raven confessed that he was a shape-shifting monster and that his true form was that of a giant bird of prey.