My advice for those who want to start up a skincare business
If you want to start skincare formulation journey,
First, find out what kind of products you want to sell(natural or organic), and your target market(either kids, teenagers, those with mature skin, etc)
Secondly, focus on why u want to start formulating skincare (or is it just for fun).
3. You have to be willing to invest to completely learn from the scratch, invest your time, you are going to fail a lot before you finally have a successful product, so be prepared and be patient.
4. This is no brainer, u must be creative if you want to start making skincare products. You're going to have so much fun.
5. Have a lot of research skills, u don't need a degree by any means, but don't trust everything that's on internet, check websites that have credible information.
6. Understand the basic chemistry too(some ingredients don't work with other ingredients, some ingredients are not oil- soluble , some are not water-soluble.
8. Know the basic maths in order to scale your formulas.
Remember to take it step by step, study all the necessary base ingredients, study your carrier oils, study all emulsifiers, it's uses and benefits, study all botanical powders and write down everything. Learn and test everything about preservatives. If you are a complete beginner, start off with basic products such as body butter( which does not even need complex ingredients such as preservatives, face oils, glow oils.lip balms, soap, scrubs, etc.
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