About Director sir alek

ゲスト2023/01/28 18:50

Story about blessed machisa(director sir alek)

About Director sir alek

Director Sir Alek - born Blessed Machisa,he was born on 18 April 2002(20 years old) in Kambuzuma Harare .He is a Movie creator as well as a graphic designer , Blessed Machisa is a Zimbabwean who started his filming career in 2018. It started as passion but ended up as a career(he said) ,So in other words he is a video director .Sir Alek is mainly based on directing music videos.In his career he have worked with artists the likes of Hwinza, Culture Love,Libho,Likkle art,sawilance studio and a lot to mention.The 20 year old video director 's goal is to promote local talent and to rise through the ladder with filming

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