The Fallen Angel II

Lexus2023/01/09 23:37

I was a newly recruited teacher and had only just moved into town. While I was growing up, I had promised myself that no matter what I become in future, I must be a teacher for at least two years. I was living my dreams now and I felt happy and excited. I was teaching Mathematics and as you know, most students don't like Math because they find it complicated.

On my first day in class, I gave a take-home assignment and instructed my students to submit their assignments the next day. When I got to class the next day, I realized that out of a class of about fifty students, everyone had done their assignments, except for one young lady. I was very angry at her for not doing her assignments, especially as she didn't give me any excuse for her failure to comply. I had a zero tolerance for mediocre or missing work so, I decided that I was going to punish her. The only natural and logical consequence I knew for a missing or incomplete assignment was whipping.

Back in the days and in some schools even today, teachers were allowed to use a whip on students. I got my whip and asked her to stretch out her hands. She didn't refuse but all the while I was talking and whipping her, I noticed something strange. She didn't flinch or weep. Instead, she maintained a steady gaze on me, without even blinking. I didn't like the way she looked at me so, I asked her to go back to her seat as soon as I was done beating her.

After school, I went back home, freshened up and retired for the night. I was deep asleep when I noticed that someone was outside my door. It was like a hallucination. I was inside my house, in my bed, but at the same time was able to see a female with long dreads standing by my door. I woke up from sleep with a start, hoping it was a dream. It wasn't. When I looked at my glazed windows, I realized with great annoyance that I had not pulled down the drapes. As a result, I was able to have a clear view of whoever was outside my house.

It was a female, a young lady of about twenty five years with very long dreadlocks and fire in her eyes. She was wearing nothing on and there was fire in both of her eyes. There was a life flame in her eyes. Her eyes were literally burning but were however, not consumed by the flame. She raised her one hand which looked like the head of a snake and beckoned on me to come. I was living alone and at that moment, I realized that fright would do me no good. I picked my bunch of keys and shot at the window. She disappeared briefly and then reappeared. However, before she could reappear, I had run to the window and pulled down the drapes and could no longer see her clearly. However, I could still see her burning eyes.

I ran to my living room and laid on the chair, sweating. After about ten minutes, I calmed down a little, went on my knees and made a short prayer to God almighty. Feeling secured, I laid down on the sofa. I had only just drifted back to sleep when I felt like I wasn't alone. You know that odd and strange feeling when you feel like someone had invaded your home. I opened my eyes and from the ceiling, I saw someone descending on me. It was the same lady that had been outside my window. This time she was different. She was dressed completely in white, like a corpse would do and she was descending on me like an angel from hell.

I was not a timid man. Actually, I was very courageous. As she was approaching, I punched her with all the force in me. However, she was no ordinary human, she was a spirit, so she diverted my punch and I hit the wall instead. I felt like my hand had shattered. I woke up from the sofa in great pains and nursed my hurting hand, The spirit had disappeared. I decided that I was not going to sleep anymore. Whatever wanted to kill me that night, had to meet me awake. I stayed up all night and only managed to sleep around 5:00 am.

When I woke up, I discovered that were seven mysterious welts on my body. The welts look like the one that would appear on the body of someone that had been beaten with a whip. The same seven strokes I had given the student the previous day. It then dawned on me that the attack I had last night was from none other than the student I had whipped the previous day for not doing her assignment. The following day, I decided I would have a talk with her.

When I got to school, I sent for her. I asked a student to tell her to come to my office. She came almost as soon as she was called, but instead of her to knock my office door, she just stood there staring at me, strangely.

"You may come in, young lady." I said.

She came in without offering a word and I offered her a seat.

"Can't you greet?" I asked her.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning what?" I asked.

"Good morning, Sir." She responded.

"You have guts, do you know that?" I asked her.

She stayed quiet. I continued.

"What were you doing in my house last night?" I asked.

She stayed quiet.

"Answer me!!!!" I shouted.

She stayed quiet.

On a normal day, I would have taken out my koboko and give her about ten lashes on her back. However, today was not a normal day. After what happened to me just the previous night, it would be foolish of me to even think of whipping her again. My anger was however, mounting and it was made worse by her silence. I decided that I would change strategy.

"I want you to bring your parents tomorrow to school." I informed her and for the first time since she got into my office, she spoke.

"I have no parents." She said.

"What do you mean you have no parents?" I asked her, bewildered but still angry.

"I mean I have no parents." She repeated.

"Who do you live with?" I asked.






"Are you joking with me?" I asked. "Are you taking me for a fool?"

"No, Sir. I am not." She said. This time her voice was less aggressive.

"Where do you come from?" I asked.

"You don't want to know Sir, I come from far, far, away. A place where you can only visit in your dreams." She said, boldly and her eyes turned blue. I was scared and moved a step or two backwards.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am a fallen angel."

シェア - The Fallen Angel II



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