Though many might have herd about these tiny little creatures but not many know about them, infact the total average percentage of people that knows about these creatures are not over 49% . One general name for these creatures are “snakes”. Snakes are know to be venomous and deadly but not all of them, there’s a particular species known as the house snakes.
House snakes or lamprophis are non venomous snakes from Africa. These snakes belong to the genus Lamprophis, family Colubridae, with about 14 species. They are nonvenomous mouse- and rat-catchers. An example is L. lineatus of eastern Africa, often found in eaves or under mats; it is blackish and usually less than 90 cm (35 inches) long. The brown house snake L. fuliginosus occurs throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Although adults prefer rodents—but also consume bats and other small mammals—the young prey on lizards. All Lamprophisspecies are egg layers. Many people don’t know about these rare species so they just tend to kill them. Lets top the killing of these animals because they do more good than bad to our environment. I have a pet house snake, Her name is molly and she’s suffering from respiratory infection and I have been trying to raise money for her treatment, let’s be kind to animals and in return kind to us
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