第3話 - Anirban the: unknown murder p3
Anirban was stunned. He couldn't believe that another murder had been committed in such a similar way. He knew he had to take on the case, no matter how difficult it might be.
He gathered his team and set to work. They searched for any clues that might lead them to the killer. They interviewed suspects and followed leads. But just like the previous cases, they couldn't find any evidence linking anyone to the murder.
Anirban was starting to lose hope. He had never faced a case this difficult before, and he wasn't sure if they would ever find the killer.
But just when he was about to give up, something caught his eye. It was a small detail that he had overlooked before, but now it seemed significant. He followed the lead, and slowly but surely, the pieces began to fall into place.
It turned out that the killer was someone close to the victim, someone who had access to their home and the means to commit the murder. And just when Anirban thought he had figured it all out, he received another shocking revelation.
The killer was his own wife.
Anirban was devastated. He had trusted his wife with everything, and he never would have suspected her of being capable of murder. But the evidence was clear, and he knew he had to turn her in to the authorities.
With a heavy heart, Anirban arrested his wife and brought her to justice. The city was safe again, and he could finally rest knowing that the killer had been