The novel begins with a first plot point: the death of the main character's father. The inciting incident is when the main character's mother dies, and the plot point is when the main character and her brother have to sell their house because they don't have enough money to pay for it. The next pinch point comes when they move into a new house, where they find out that it's infested with mice.
The midpoint occurs when the main character tries to get back at her mother by throwing away all of her old stuff, but she ends up finding some old photos that are important to her past life.
The second pinch point comes after the main character gets fired from her job because she wasn't able to pay off all of her debts. This motivates her to go back and get a job at another company, which means moving again and starting over with nothing but her sister's old clothes.
The second plot point happens when she meets a rich boy who wants to help her out financially so that she won't have any more problems paying off her debts or getting another job. However, this boy doesn't really seem like he cares about helping people—he just wants a girl for his own personal use (which is why he wants
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