How to Advertise on Facebook in 2023 [Complete Guide]

How to Advertise on Facebook in 2023 [Complete Guide]

How to Create Engaging Facebook Posts

If you want to create Facebook posts that will engage your audience and encourage them to take action, then you need to know what types of posts are most effective.

In this blog post, we'll share the different types of Facebook posts that get the most attention, as well as some tips for creating engaging content.

How to Advertise on Facebook in 2023 [Complete Guide]

Most people think of Facebook as a way to stay in touch with friends and family, but it's also an incredibly powerful marketing tool.

With over 2 billion active users, Facebook offers businesses a vast potential customer base.

And according to recent studies, Facebook is the most popular social networking site for both B2C and B2B marketers.

So if you're looking to reach a large audience with your marketing message, then creating engaging Facebook posts is a must.

But what makes a post engaging?

And what are the different types of posts that you can create?

Keep reading to find out.

What is the Best Type of Facebook Post?

The 5 types of social media posts are:

Status Updates

These are the most common type of post, and simply involve sharing a piece of content from your personal life or from something you’ve seen that you think will interest your friends or followers.


Sharing links to articles, blog posts, products, or other websites is a great way to provide value to your followers and keep them up-to-date on what’s going on in your industry.


A picture is worth a thousand words, and this is especially true on social media where images tend to get more engagement than any other type of post.

Try posting images that are funny, inspiring, or thought-provoking.


More and more people are consuming video content online, so it’s no surprise that videos make great social media posts.

If you have a video that’s relevant to your business or industry, share it on social media.

Live Videos

Facebook Live and Instagram Stories have made it easier than ever to share live videos with your audience.

This type of post can be great for announcements, product demos, Q&As, and more.

What is the Most Shared Content on Facebook?

There are six types of Facebook pages:

Local Business or Place.


Organization or Institution.

Brand or Product.

Artist, Band or Public Figure.

Cause or Community.

How Many Facebook Business Pages are There?

As of June 2017, there were over 60 million active business pages on Facebook.

How do I know what type of Facebook page I have?

To find out what type of Facebook page you have, go to the About section and look under Page Type.

What are the 4 Main Types of Ads?

The four main types of ads on Facebook are Page Like Ads, Sponsored Stories, Promoted Posts, and Marketplace Ads.

What are the 3 Types of an Ad?

The three types of ads on Facebook are Page Like Ads, Sponsored Stories, and Promoted Posts.

What are the 8 Types of Advertising?

There are eight different types of advertising:

Print Ads

Print ads are those that appear in newspapers and magazines.

Broadcast Ads

Broadcast ads are those that appear on television and radio.

Out-of-Home Ads

Out-of-home ads are those that appear in places like bus stops and subway stations.

Digital Ads

Digital ads are those that appear on websites and apps.

Experiential Ads

Experiential ads are those that create an experience for the consumer, like a pop-up shop or a branded event.

Public Relations

Public relations is when an organization tries to generate good press coverage for itself.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is when an organization tries to reach consumers through direct channels like mail or email.

Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is when consumers tell their friends and family about a product or service.

What is a Page-Like Ad?

A page-like ad is an ad that appears in the news feed of a user's Facebook page.

The ad includes information about the Page being promoted as well as a "Like" button.

When a user clicks on the "Like" button, they become fans of the Page being promoted.

How do I Create a Page-Like Ad?

To create a page-like ad:

Go to your Facebook Page.

Click on "Create Ad" in the top right-hand corner.

Select "Page Likes" as your objective.

Choose your target audience, budget, and other preferences.

Choose whether you want your ad to be shown in News Feed on desktop or mobile, or both.

Write your ad headline and copy.

Select an image or video for your ad.

Click "Place Order".

How do I Promote My Facebook Page for Likes?

To promote your Facebook page for likes:

Go to your Facebook Page.

Click on "Promote Page" in the left-hand column.

Choose your target audience, budget, and other preferences.

Choose whether you want your ad to be shown in News Feed on desktop or mobile, or both.

Write your ad headline and copy.

Select an image or video for your ad.

Click "Place Order".

What are the 4 Main Types of Facebook Ads?

The four main types of Facebook ads are page-like ads, sponsored stories, Promoted Posts, and Marketplace ads.

What are the 7 Types of Facebook Ads?

The seven types of advertising are:

Product Advertising

This is where a company advertises a specific product that they sell.

This can be done through various means such as television commercials, print ads, or online ads.

Service Advertising

This type of advertising promotes a service that a company offers instead of a specific product.

A few examples include banks, credit cards, and insurance providers.

Corporate Advertising

Also known as brand advertising, this is when a company creates an ad campaign that is focused on building its brand image and reputation rather than promoting a specific product or service.

Public Service Announcement (PSA)

These are ads that are created to educate or inform the public about important issues such as safe driving, environmental protection, or voting registration deadlines.

PSAs are usually created by government agencies or non-profit organizations.


An advertiser pays to have their name associated with a particular event or activity to increase brand awareness and build goodwill among potential customers.

For example, a car company might sponsor a professional golf tournament.

Trade Show Exhibit

Many companies choose to participate in trade shows related to their industry to showcase their products or services and generate leads from potential customers who attend the show.

Direct Mail

This type of advertising involves sending physical mailers directly to consumers’ homes or businesses.

It can be an effective way to reach targeted audiences with highly personalized messages.

What are the 5 Types of Ads?

The five types of ads are:

Display Ads

These are the most common type of online ad and can take various forms such as banner ads, rich media ads, or video ads.

They are typically placed on websites or apps where potential customers are likely to see them.

Search Ads

These ads appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) when someone enters a relevant query.

They are usually text-based and include a link to the advertiser’s website.

Social Media Ads

As the name suggests, social media ads are those that appear on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

They can take various forms such as sponsored posts, promoted tweets, or LinkedIn Sponsored InMail messages.

Native Ads

Native advertising is a type of paid placement where the ad content is designed to blend in with the surrounding editorial content on the page where it appears.

For example, a travel article might have a native ad for a travel credit card at the bottom of the page.

Retargeting Ads

Also known as remarketing, this is a type of online advertising that allows businesses to show targeted ads to users who have already expressed interest in their products or services by visiting their website or interacting with their other marketing efforts (such as viewing a product on an eCommerce site but not completing the purchase).

How Many Types of Facebook are There?

There are four main types of Facebook ads:

Boosted Posts

Boosted posts are regular posts from a company’s Facebook page that have been “boosted” with a paid ad campaign.

These campaigns allow businesses to target a wider audience with their message by increasing the post’s reach on the site.

How Many Types of Facebook are There?

Promoted Page Likes

As the name suggests, promoted page likes campaigns are designed to increase the number of people who like a company’s Facebook page.

These campaigns can be targeted to potential customers based on interests, demographics, or behaviors.

Sponsored Stories

Sponsored stories are similar to boosted posts in that they appear higher up in users’ news feeds, but they specifically feature interactions that friends have had with a business (such as liking their page or checking in at their location).

This type of ad is designed to create social proof and encourage other users to take similar actions.

Custom Ads

Custom ads are those that have been created specifically for a company’s advertising campaign.

They can be used to achieve various objectives such as promoting a new product launch, driving website traffic, or generating leads for sales team follow-up.

Types of Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are a type of online advertising that allows businesses and organizations to promote their products, services, and brand on the world’s largest social network.

Facebook Ads are shown in users’ News Feeds on desktop computers and mobile devices, as well as in the right column of

There are four main types of Facebook Ads:

Photo Ads: Simple ads that include a photo.

Video Ads: Engaging ads that feature a video.

Carousel Ads: Interactive ads that let users swipe through up to 10 images or videos.

Lead Generation Ads: Forms that allow people to sign up for your product or service without leaving Facebook.

How to Post Ads on Facebook?

To create a Facebook ad, you’ll need to start by creating an Ad account.

Once you have an Ad account set up, you can create your first ad campaign by following these steps:

Choose your objective.

Set up your ad campaign.

Create your ad.

Place your order.

Measure and Optimize your Results

You can create Facebook Ads from your personal Facebook profile, your business Page, or your ad account.

To get started, log into Facebook and go to the Create Ad page.

Tips for Creating Engaging Facebook Posts

Your headline is the first thing people will see when they come across your post, so make sure it’s clear and to the point.

A good headline will let people know what your post is about and entice them to read more.

Some tips for writing headlines:

Use keywords that accurately describe your content.

Keep it short and sweet - aim for around 6-8 words.

Ask a question or use a number to pique interest.

Use strong verbs to convey excitement or urgency.

Use Interesting Visuals

Another way to make your posts more engaging is to use interesting visuals.

People are visual creatures and are more likely to pay attention to posts that have attractive visuals.

There are a few different ways you can incorporate visuals into your posts:

Use images or videos instead of text whenever possible.

Make sure any images you use are high quality and relevant to your topic.

Use infographics, charts, or graphs to break up blocks of text and make complex information more digestible.

Keep your Posts Short and Sweet

No one wants to read a novel on Facebook, so keep your posts short and sweet.

Aim for around 200-300 words per post - anything longer than that is likely to lose people’s attention.

Use Calls to Action

Calls to action (CTAs) are an effective way to get people engaged with your content.

By telling people what you want them to do (like comment on a post, share a story, etc.), you increase the chances of them doing it.

Just make sure not to call too many CTAs - one per post should be enough - or people will start ignoring them altogether.

Timing is Everything

The timing of your posts can also have an impact on engagement levels.

Generally speaking, the best time to post on Facebook is during weekdays from 1 pm – 3 pm.

However, this will vary depending on your specific audience, so it’s worth experimenting with different times until you find what works best for you.

What to Avoid When Creating Facebook Posts

When creating Facebook posts, it is important to avoid being too sales-oriented.

This can turn off potential customers and make your brand seem pushy.

Instead, focus on creating content that is helpful and informative, and save the hard sell for other marketing channels.

Avoid Industry Jargon

Another mistake to avoid when creating Facebook posts is using too much industry jargon.

While it is important to use some keywords to help your content be found by potential customers, using jargon can make your post difficult to understand for the average reader.

Stick to using language that is clear and concise, and avoid terms that only insiders would understand.

Don’t Be Too Self-Promotional

While it is important to promote your brand on Facebook, you should avoid being overly self-promotional in your posts.

This can come across as desperate or arrogant, and will likely turn off potential customers.

Instead, focus on providing value to your readers and only promoting your products or services when it makes sense to do so.

Don’t Post Too Often

One mistake many businesses make on Facebook is posting too often.

While you want to keep your page active, bombarding your followers with multiple posts per day will likely result in them unfollowing you.

Stick to a few well-crafted posts per week, and vary the topics so that you are providing fresh content regularly.

Don’t Neglect your Post’s Description

When creating a new Facebook post, don t forget to include a description.

The text box under the headline is where you can provide more information about what the post will be about.

This is a great opportunity to include relevant keywords, which will help your post be found by potential customers.

However, don t stuff the description with keywords - this will just make it difficult to read. A few well-chosen keywords should suffice.


After reading this blog post, you should now have a good understanding of how to create engaging Facebook posts.

Remember to keep your headlines clear and concise, use interesting visuals, and keep your posts short.

Timing is also important – make sure you post when your audience is most likely to be online.

And finally, avoid being too sales-y or self-promotional, and don’t neglect your post’s description.

By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating successful Facebook posts that will help grow your business.

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