5 ways to know, it's over.

Flames glitch2022/12/22 04:17

5 ways to know, the relationship is over or your partner has lost interest.

5 ways to know, it's over.

At the start of every relationship, we all tend to show our affection and full attention towards our partners to prove that, yes, the feelings are mutual but at some points in time, these feelings start to fade away.

Some people find ways to keep the flame from going off, while others lock up their hearts and just say "it's over". The mindset of it's over, without even giving it a fight is what has led to the production or broken-hearted, depressed and lonely teenagers and adults.

In accordance to Lynsie Seely, a marriage and family therapist "we tend to close off as a defense mechanism when we don't know how to communicate what we are feeling".

Learning to communicate your feelings directly and unambiguous to your chosen partner is the first step in anything, whether friendship or relationship, even in business if you can't communicate your feelings about a certain project presented to you then how would you portray the project efficiently towards the client and vice versa.

Well, you are in luck for below are 5 common ways to know it's over or not.

Lack of interested towards the little things: Couples in a relationship tend to take genuine interest in the administrations of their partner, the minor things to the major. Your have a nerve racking desk job, and usually tired after work, and this is something your partner knows pretty much about and take interest to know; how was his/her day? What was new about work? This goes to show, he/she actually takes interest in even the minor stuffs of how your day went.  But if this type of partner suddenly changes and stops asking you such stuffs, and stops caring about the little things, don't stress it much, this does not entirely mean he/she has lost interest, but it's losing interest. It's all up-to you to take note on time and keep the flames from going out entirely.

Slow response to calls, text and emails: Usually, everyone is busy at some points in time. A person can be in a meeting, or having a serious lecture or proposal and won't have time to check their phones or as for teenagers, a person can be in a convention and had to put his/her phone in silent. All these stuffs happen from time to time but let's be honest; almost everyone is with his or her phone, wherever he or she goes, so it only takes a matter of seconds to respond.

A partner who was once responsive suddenly stops responding that could be a sign that they are distancing themselves from you, people can pull away in different ways, so how responsive they are towards you can show whether they are still interested. Sometimes you just have to give them time and space, and sometimes you fight for what you believe.

When you try to connect they pull away: In a relationship there is nothing wrong in voicing out your opinions towards your partner, this will give room for change and progress in the relationship, you can't expect your partner to be a mind reader.

If you feel you are always asking your partner for basic stuffs like attention and affection, but they refuse, it goes to show they are distancing themselves. Which makes if seem like you are forcing yourself on them. It might mean they have lost interest in the relationship.

You have stopped childish arguments: When couples argue they give room to change and progress but not all fights are good and not all are bad but a sudden stop in childish arguments such as name-calling, yelling and the likes. Might go to show that the relationship is no longer as healthy as it was, so when your partner doesn't have the will to do so, it might be they have lost interest in the relationship.

They stop interacting with your friends and family: In a relationship Couples tend to make an effort to be on the good side of your friends and family, since they know they are important to you, and they should be to your partner as well. If your partner has ever gone on a long weekend with you to spend time with your friends or family, and then suddenly withdraws the effort to bond with them, it may mean they are apathetic towards the relationship.

Sometimes, your partner is just giving you some space to think of where the relationship is going, and if he or she is ready for the next big step. Teenagers tend to have doubts on the long run but once their mind is clear they will take the chances they get.

If you notice any of the above signs hurry up and fix the wood to make the flames of love to not diminish entirely, before it's too late.

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