For decades, the issue of money has been occupying my mind. The matter of money in our daily life is a critical issue. It has turned itself the idol or god being worshiped everywhere: families, religious centres, organizations, educational institutes, nations and the world. The heart- breaking part of this is those who have allowed it to bring down their moral values can do unthinkable, unimaginable and crazy things such as, prostitution, armed robbery, hooliganism, kidnapping, ritual, yahoo, drug pushing, nudity, embezzlement, forgery, killing, malpractices, lying etc all because we want to have money. When we agree to do anything to get money, then you have become a slave to money.
There are several leaders and followers who have allowed money to destroy them because of their moral values have been lost to money. Can you imagine a governor of a state in Nigeria stealing the whole money belonging to his state and deposited it in a foreign bank despite he was a billionaire before occupying the seat. Can we say this was out of greediness or the love of money?
There are many respectable, honorable, and dignitary men and women in Nigeria who has thrown away their virtues, dignity and integrity into dustbins all because of money .Majority of so-called men and women of God who have covenanted and eaten with devil and diverted from the standard of God all account of getting money. According to Dr .D.K. Olukoya , ”there are many rich men in Africa and Nigeria who are spending the currency of hell bought with their souls”.
Admitting that money is crucial and important to live a comfortable life but what we call money is not money but paper. The real money you don’t see it with your physical eyes. It is a representation of values, and you cannot see values. It is only a means of exchange or exchange for values. Value is the creation of goods and services. However, this paper we call money has limited power, it cannot buy everything.
Therefore, the quality of your value determines the quantity and quality of money that comes to you. Real wealth is value creation. Ask the rich men in the world, they will tell you real wealth is creating of values. Majority of people in Nigeria work for money instead of creating values, thereby making us poor. And we become slave to money. We should not allow money to be a driving force at which move our lives towards. Money should therefore be our servant not controller.
We can live far above the power and values of money. You can’t just say sorry to your life because you don’t have money. Money cannot make you rich. The availability or non-availability of money does not make you rich or poor, it is the absence of ideas. What makes you poor or rich is the quality of dream you carry. It is the quality of ideas that runs in your mind and is implemented. Ideas rule the world, not money
I arrive at this point even if you steal 10 billion naira and you don’t have the real values (spiritual values), you are still poor, sir. Man’s life does not contain by the abundance of possession (money) but our outstanding contributions to humanity and society. If individuals, organizations, institutions, government, Nigerians and Africans get this, we are free from the bondage of poverty.
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